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[administration][graphics] Auto login with LightDM #846

Open LukeShortCloud opened 1 year ago

LukeShortCloud commented 1 year ago
$ sudo groupadd -r autologin
$ sudo gpasswd -a <USER> autologin
$ sudo -E ${EDITOR} /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf

This was brought up while working on:

LukeShortCloud commented 1 year ago

When autologin-user-timeout is set to 0 then LightDM is never displayed to the user. When it is set to 1 (second) or higher, then the LightDM login screen is displayed. The autologin-user will have their name displayed along with a "Login" button so they still do not require a password. The user can be changed to a different user and a password provided and/or a different desktop environment can be selected. When the autologin-user-timeout times out, the auto login continues even if someone is trying to log into a different account and is entering in a password. Because of this, some people may want to set autologin-user-timeout=30.