LukeSkywalker92 / MMM-Globe

Earth globe for MagicMirror2
MIT License
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Current weather module disappeared #12

Open Bojc opened 4 years ago

Bojc commented 4 years ago

Hello. When I installed MMM-globe, my current weather module disappeared. The same happened with MMM-OpenmapWeather. I changed the position and size, but nothing helped.

LostXine commented 4 years ago

Same problem, help wanted.

Thank you in advance.

Cyclops0103 commented 4 years ago

I also have the same problem when using it with MMM-OpenmapWeather. And this is such a nice module, really hope it can be fixed...

jrjohn2 commented 4 years ago

Same problem - loss of live weather (openmapweather). Like the module so for now will go without the current weather! Please fix if possible. Thanks

alitis76 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I´ve the same problem with the OpenmapWeather module.

Carote commented 4 years ago

Hi, As many above, same problem for me with currentweather module and globe I'm interested if anyone finds something concerning this issue

luccie007 commented 4 years ago

Same here, Please fix, love the module :)

simphide commented 3 years ago

anyone found a fix for that problem?

Black-Zero commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have the same problem with "MMM-OpenmapWeather module" to disappear. Still no fix known for this problem? Thanks :)

Edit: After I had my MagicMirror running with the Globe and OpenmapWeather modules enabled for around 15-30 Minutes, the OpenmapWeather module appeared again. :/ Kind of strange...

princemaxwell commented 3 years ago

Hey there, the async/await function of this module "MMM-Globe" is blocking the initalLoad of "currentweather". I have no idea why. The solution would be, to rewrite the async/await function to promise-object.

Quick-and-dirty: add "initialLoadDelay: 5000," to the config section of the currentweather module.

The currentweather module is now loaded 5 seconds later. If the Globe-Image isn't loaded yet, try a higher value. The problem is, that await is hanging when the image-server is not reachable.

To i think, this should be rewritten to a promise-object...