LukeSkywalker92 / TeleFrame

TeleFrame - a digital picture frame for telegram
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VGA resolution on startup #122

Closed Gandalf210 closed 4 years ago

Gandalf210 commented 4 years ago


Raspbian runs fine with HDMI connected Television in 1080p resolution, until teleframe is installed. Then it boots into raspbian with 640x480 VGA resolution, even if the four raspberrys during the boot image are in 1920x1080. I suspect it has something to do with xrandr. You can change the resolution, typing something like

export DISPLAY=:0 when using SSH, followed by xrandr --output HDMI-1 --mode 1920x1080

Problem is, it is not saved after reboot. So I edited the crontab and startet a script, that changes resolution after waiting for 20 seconds.

A nice step by step solution is presented here:

Either you just chose the desired resolutin, or you define a new one, in case xradnr does not show your desired resolution.

Now rasbian starts with VGA resolution, changes to 1080p after a few seconds, and then teleframe is started. Maybe save some linux noobs like me a sleepless night and add something about this in the readme ;)