LukeSkywalker92 / TeleFrame

TeleFrame - a digital picture frame for telegram
MIT License
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PM2 not working without user "pi" #128

Open thoschneider opened 4 years ago

thoschneider commented 4 years ago

In my Raspi-setup I added user "thomas" and deleted user "pi" including /home/pi for security reasons. Automatic installation worked fine except for autostart with PM2 (which I enabled during the installation process). PM2 was looking for the (startup-) script /home/pi/TeleFrame/tools/ which obviously could not be found. The folder TeleFrame was correctly installed under /home/THOMAS/ though. I just wanted to mention, that this problem occurs, when installing without the user "pi". I could not track down, where this configuration for PM2 resides. After running manually "PM2 startup" -> -> "PM2 save" everything works fine again!

KateiRen commented 3 years ago

The user pi is hardcoded in the install script _tools/ as well as the tools/pm2_TeleFrame.json and tools/pm2_TeleFrame_waitForInternet.json_.

Manually changing it and executing the steps in _tools/install_raspberry.sh_ step by step worked in my case.