LukeSkywalker92 / TeleFrame

TeleFrame - a digital picture frame for telegram
MIT License
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Shutdown Option #136

Closed KateiRen closed 3 years ago

KateiRen commented 3 years ago

Shutdown Option

Wouldn't it be a good idea to add a Return to Desktop option when clicking on the Shutdown button?

While TeleFrame is already running, I am still struggling to get the usb mic and the I2S sound working properly. Jumping to the Desktop and trying the default controls for audio might have helped me faster then tweeking around in Putty.

Thx for considering...

LukeSkywalker92 commented 3 years ago

Hi, sounds good... As a workaround you can exit fullscreen with F11.

KateiRen commented 3 years ago

Very true. Attached a keyboard and I could minimize the window.

I have another topic with the restart/shutdown functions:

Today, I installed TeleFrame on an ubuntu tablet (had to tweek the path in ~/TeleFrame/tools/pm2_TeleFrame.json) and it runs very well. However, for some reason the executeSystemCommand seem not to be working (nothing happens when pressing these buttons and confirming the action).

I have no idea what might be missing here. There is a warning in the console though: Electron Security Warning (insecure Content-Security-Policy) Not sure if this is the case on raspi as well or is specific to my manual installation (had to use sudo to install electron globally).

Any ideas here? Thx!!

by the way: i spent some time building a TeleFrame with a nice photo frame and made some pictures along the way. I could contribute the section "Building a teleframe".

LukeSkywalker92 commented 3 years ago

Hi, the warning should not be a problem.

I think the permissions of the user running teleframe are causing your issue. On a raspi, the user pi has way more permissions than a standard user on ubuntu (for example running sudo commands, without typing a password..). Maybe you can try running TeleFrame as root (just for testing, you should not do this in general) and see if the commands are executed.

Sure, you are welcome to contribute to the "Building a teleframe" section =)

KateiRen commented 3 years ago

I added a pipe to the executeSystemCommand to write an error log and found out exactly what you also guessed. Executing the sudo command asks for a password, which fails obviously. Fixed that behaviour and TF on Xubuntu tablet works like a charm now.

Thanks a lot.

LukeSkywalker92 commented 3 years ago

I'm happy that you could solve your problem. Have fun with the TeleFrame =)