LukeSkywalker92 / TeleFrame

TeleFrame - a digital picture frame for telegram
MIT License
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no botReply in group chats for some senders #144

Closed junibart closed 3 years ago

junibart commented 3 years ago


I just set up a TeleFrame for my grandmother, and created a chat group for the whole family...

The botReply message is activated in config.json, however some submissions by individuals do not receive a replymessage to the chat group. Only the three or four people I first included in the group trigger the message with their pics.

The Teleframe log shows

0|TeleFrame | 2020-11-02T20:05:15.012Z [Main] info: Deleted file images/1603882250140.jpg

for a picture with correct reply, and

0|TeleFrame | 2020-11-02T20:10:28.239Z [Main] info: Deleted file images/1603892365865.jpg 0|TeleFrame | 2020-11-02T20:10:28.245Z [Main] error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'substr' of undefined 0|TeleFrame | at botReply (/home/pi/TeleFrame/js/botReply.js:14:45) 0|TeleFrame | at /home/pi/TeleFrame/js/bot.js:131:19 for a picture without reply message.

I want everyone in the group to receive a reply message. Is there something wrong with the code, how can it be fixed?

Thank you very much for developing TeleFrame, also in the name of my grandma and family ;-) it makes the current contact restriction a bit easier.


call-me-matt commented 3 years ago

Without looking at it in detail, have you tried to send /start from the non-working device to the bot? I could imagine it to be a rights management issue, as bots are not allowed to contact random people.

LuHKae commented 3 years ago

seems like one of your devices has no language set for the telegram app. Could you validate that?

gegu commented 3 years ago

seems like one of your devices has no language set for the telegram app. Could you validate that?

You're right 👍

@junibart the problem was fixed, please update TeleFrame.

LukeSkywalker92 commented 3 years ago

nice job @gegu =) very fast... @junibart I'm happy to hear that the TeleFrame makes your family happy in these hard times :)