LukeSkywalker92 / TeleFrame

TeleFrame - a digital picture frame for telegram
MIT License
92 stars 28 forks source link

Text messages possible? #162

Open hnaef01 opened 3 years ago

hnaef01 commented 3 years ago

First of all: Thanks for all your work!!! I use my raspi 3 with original 7"-touchscreen to experiment with your project. I'm not very experienced with linux or raspi, but a faithful reader of 'make' and c't ;-)

I want to send not only images but also text messages to the raspi. I understand, that i can send them as a caption of an image, but independant of the config-entry "senderAndCaptionDuration" the caption disappears after some seconds. Ok, i could write it an a sheet and take a picture ;-) but is there an easyer way to let the TeleFrame show text messages?

Best regard Hansruedi

KateiRen commented 3 years ago

I also thought of something like this already. Just a grey/whatever background and a nice font with auto-size to fit the text to the available space.