LukeSkywalker92 / TeleFrame

TeleFrame - a digital picture frame for telegram
MIT License
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OpenGL fkms problems #75

Closed Trenar closed 4 years ago

Trenar commented 4 years ago

Hi all,

I have some problems with the OpenGL acceleration, which is set automatically in the install script. When I enable this option, the whole teleframe software becomes very unresponsive and laggy. Took me a while to find out that it was related to that option. Neither the full kms or fake kms worked for me. As a workaround I removed that line from /boot/config.txt, however that seems not ideal. If I use a fadetime > 0, I get some very ugly white flickering, which I suspect to vanish with OpenGL working.. Is there someone with similar observations? Or can someone tell me what I miss during installation, maybe a gl related package?

Setup: RPi 3A+ running the latest raspbian buster release.

NDscham commented 4 years ago

I am also attempting to set this up on a 3A+ and can confirm the flickering screen between images. I suspect that might also be related to excessive memory consumption and swapping (the 3A+ only has 512MB of RAM). In my case on a fresh raspbian, I am on 100% swap with TeleFrame running.