LukeSmithxyz / LARBS

Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
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Mute doesn't toggle and icon issue #442

Closed ralphaaa closed 2 years ago

ralphaaa commented 2 years ago

Running fresh install on T400 laptop.

Volume up and down work fine. Mute button works but it will only mute , it will not unmute. There is no toggle. If I run pamixer -t manually it toggles, the button does not. I can unmute by using the volume buttons.

Also when I hit the mute button the status bar icon does not change. It still shows the % volume even though it is muted.

LukeSmithxyz commented 2 years ago

Yeah I have the same issue on my T400 and I know it's true of older computers like the X200 as well. I think I need to add another binding to dwm because on older computers I believe the key has a different name on the backend than the ones nowadays.

Note that super+shift+m should also toggle mute and is my preferred binding.