LukeSmithxyz / LARBS

Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Formatting suggestions for readability #463

Closed anntnzrb closed 2 years ago

anntnzrb commented 2 years ago

f6493eb9b8dec8a69dd9722d86e0ceb1f048247a - [Standardize function formatting]

Nothing opinionated really, just adjusted to be consistent across the whole file.

2fe3e9fcf4a952b7d5e286d7b6c80f2a3d29528b - [Line wrapping for long commands]

Hard wrap lines at ~80ish column and align following command or flag with proper spacing right below.

Perhaps this one is a bit opinionated but definitely more readable, can't do much about those dialogs strings though.

LukeSmithxyz commented 2 years ago

I know that this wasn't working, but I'll go ahead and merge this since I will have to fix everything later anyway.