LukeSmithxyz / LARBS

Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
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lf not showing icons when opened using dwm shortcut #497

Closed Shido20 closed 1 year ago

Shido20 commented 1 year ago

dwm line: { 0, XF86XK_MyComputer, spawn, {.v = (const char*[]){ TERMINAL, "-e", "lfub", "/", NULL } } },

Icons only show when I open lf (/lfub) in terminal after exporting the environment variable: export LF_ICONS="\ di=📁:\ fi=📃:\ tw=🤝:\ ow=📂:\ ln=⛓:\ or=❌:\ ex=🎯:\ *.txt=✍:\ *.mom=✍:\ *.me=✍:\ *.ms=✍:\ *.png=🖼:\ *.webp=🖼:\ *.ico=🖼:\ *.jpg=📸:\ *.jpe=📸:\ *.jpeg=📸:\ *.gif=🖼:\ *.svg=🗺:\ *.tif=🖼:\ *.tiff=🖼:\ *.xcf=🖌:\ *.html=🌎:\ *.xml=📰:\ *.gpg=🔒:\ *.css=🎨:\ *.pdf=📚:\ *.djvu=📚:\ *.epub=📚:\ *.csv=📓:\ *.xlsx=📓:\ *.tex=📜:\ *.md=📘:\ *.r=📊:\ *.R=📊:\ *.rmd=📊:\ *.Rmd=📊:\ *.m=📊:\ *.mp3=🎵:\ *.opus=🎵:\ *.ogg=🎵:\ *.m4a=🎵:\ *.flac=🎼:\ *.wav=🎼:\ *.mkv=🎥:\ *.mp4=🎥:\ *.webm=🎥:\ *.mpeg=🎥:\ *.avi=🎥:\ *.mov=🎥:\ *.mpg=🎥:\ *.wmv=🎥:\ *.m4b=🎥:\ *.flv=🎥:\ *.zip=📦:\ *.rar=📦:\ *.7z=📦:\ *.tar=📦:\ *.z64=🎮:\ *.v64=🎮:\ *.n64=🎮:\ *.gba=🎮:\ *.nes=🎮:\ *.gdi=🎮:\ *.1=ℹ:\ *.nfo=ℹ:\ *.info=ℹ:\ *.log=📙:\ *.iso=📀:\ *.img=📀:\ *.bib=🎓:\ *.ged=👪:\ *.part=💔:\ *.torrent=🔽:\ *.jar=♨:\ *.java=♨:\ "

If I add this to .zprofile and source it, icons show but aren't persistent. Opening a second lf instance won't show icons in it. Adding it to .zshrc does make it persistent. But as before, only when lf is opened in a terminal.

LukeSmithxyz commented 1 year ago

zprofile runs on login.