LukeSmithxyz / LARBS

Luke's Auto-Rice Bootstrapping Scripts: Installation Scripts for My Arch Linux Meta-Distribution
GNU General Public License v3.0
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LARBS not working properly. #522

Closed Cavingin closed 1 year ago

Cavingin commented 1 year ago

I'm using Artix Linux, and I've used LARBS before. I don't know what I did wrong, or how I got LARBS working properly, but when I ran the LARBS script a month ago, it worked perfectly fine. I had to reinstall Artix, and did the same thing, and installed the LARBS script. This time the modules on the status bar, vim, and the caps lock key bind don't work properly. Vim isn't installed, the status bar doesn't show any modules, and the caps lock keybindings don't work, the caps lock key works.

LukeSmithxyz commented 1 year ago

Sounds like your user either doesn't have zsh as their user shell or the zprofile isn't being called correctly. All problems here would be caused by that.

If it isn't user error, I'll check on it when I can. On 23/04/19 07:14AM, Michael wrote:

I'm using Artix Linux, and I've used LARBS before. I don't know what I did wrong, or how I got LARBS working properly, but when I ran the LARBS script a month ago, it worked perfectly fine. I had to reinstall Artix, and did the same thing, and installed the LARBS script. This time the modules on the status bar, vim, and the caps lock key bind don't work properly. Vim isn't installed, the status bar doesn't show any modules, and the caps lock keybindings don't work, the caps lock key works.

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Cavingin commented 1 year ago

Hello, Luke, thanks for getting back to me. I'll try and fix it manually from that. For some reason a lot of scripts I was using didn't work after the reinstall, some stopping at zsh.

Cavingin commented 1 year ago

Zsh was the issue, installing zsh fixed it, and it's working perfectly now.

Cavingin commented 1 year ago

What did you mean by the zprofile wasn't being called correctly?

At that time simply installing zsh and running zsh in the terminal, and running worked.

I tried using my old zprofile and .zshrc file that was in my home partition, but that didn't work neither.

I might've done something worng, but I did set zsh as my user shell. $ echo $SHELL /bin/zsh

emrakyz commented 1 year ago


Can you try these commands (AS ROOT) just to be sure (change 'yourusername' with your actual username):

pacman -S zsh
chown -R yourusername:yourusername /home/yourusername
chsh --shell /bin/zsh yourusername

Make sure you have this file as in the "voidrice" repo: /home/yourusername/.config/shell/profile Also make sure you have this directory: /home/yourusername/.config/zsh

Then use the below command also as root: ln -s /home/yourusername/.config/shell/profile /home/yourusername/.zprofile

These steps make sure: 1. You install the zsh shell. 2. Your default user in the system have complete access to its home directory. 3. You change your default shell to zsh. 4. You have correct configuration files in correct places. 5. You create a symbolic link for ".zprofile" file.

Cavingin commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for getting back to me.

I reinstalled Artix, kept my home partition, deleted the previous users, created a new user, and ran those commands after copying the content of Luke's Void rice in my .config folder; I only copied the zsh and shell files. I ran all of these commands as SU. My shell was again changed to zsh, but same issue, missing dwmblocks modules, and most of the features I use daily on LARBS isn't working.

I do have to say I'm using a live XFCE environment, not a fresh Artix installation. I can't simply reinstall Artix multiple times with a slow internet, it's just faster to use the installer that comes with the live environment. The live environment already comes with zsh installed, but it doesn't use zsh as its default shell.

I can try to run LARBS in a fresh installation of Artix, but I'll have to check if I can keep my /home partition.

emrakyz commented 1 year ago


Are you sure you have the scripts in "~/.local/bin/statusbar"?

LukeSmithxyz commented 1 year ago

These dotfiles are only meant to work aside from using a DM, which I assume your XFCE system activates. Disable your display manager, whatever it is and log in via the tty. If you want to add a desktop entry for dwm you can, but you'll have to have it call the xprofile if it doesn't automatically.

Cavingin commented 1 year ago

Well, that worked. I have wasted a lot of time reinstalling, now I can install a base clean fresh install without having to reinstall ever again. Much thanks for helping me with a dumb problem, have a nice day.