Open DDAVID22291 opened 1 year ago
I have a solution that may work for you.
Install this package:
pacman -S light
Then edit this file: sudo nvim /etc/sudoers.d/01-larbs-cmds-without-password
add this to the end of the file: ,/usr/bin/light -A 10,/usr/bin/light -U 10
Now you need to edit dwm: sudo nvim $HOME/.local/src/dwm/config.h
find this line: { 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp, spawn, {.v = (const char*[]){ "xbacklight", "-inc", "15", NULL } } },
comment it out and add this line underneath it: { 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessUp, spawn, SHCMD("sudo light -A 10") },
Then do the same for BrightnessDown: { 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown, spawn, {.v = (const char*[]){ "xbacklight", "-dec", "15", NULL } } },
and add this: { 0, XF86XK_MonBrightnessDown, spawn, SHCMD("sudo light -U 10") },
when done editing dwm/config.
run these commands: cd $HOME/.local/src/dwm sudo make sudo make install
Then either reboot your computer, logout or renew dwm
This works on my computer.
Same issue here
Friends, I had the same problem. In my case it was just a lack of the right package for drivers, but YMMV as it depends on your hardware. The package I needed was:
Good luck!
bybv's solution worked for me as well
I ran into another issue with @bybv's solution. Turning the display off breaks xbacklight and it won't work until I exit dwm and log back in. However I did find a solution that solves that issue as well. Simply install acpilight. Pacman will tell you that it is in conflict with xorg-xbacklight and will prompt you to remove it. Press y to remove it and proceed with the installation. Brightness controls should work normally again. You won't have to change anything else as acpilight uses the xbacklight command with almost exactly the same syntax.
Note: in my case I also uninstalled xf86-video-intel as it was no longer needed.
The Brightness Keys do not work on 2 different laptops on a fresh install of LARBS. They did work on an older version, though.
I'll post the solution when I figure it out.