LukeSmithxyz /

A simple culinary website.
The Unlicense
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Added a german main page were the user can switch to (multilanguage suppport) #959

Closed develcooking closed 6 months ago

develcooking commented 7 months ago

So i stumbled today onto your nice website but as a german reader I am often confused what which ingredient means in german. After a small search into all issues I found issue #832 were you stated that if you don't have to do anything you "would be okay with it". The "it" reference to doing 0% of the work.

After about half a day I got a working website hosted with hugo, your theme and a translated front page. I all tags used are exclusive to each language.

It works pretty much the same you have to add a .md recipe to the language folder of your choice and it would be done.

I translated the header of the website "Based Cooking" to "Freies Kochen" becaues we don't have a equivalent word for based. It now means "Free Cooking" in german. If you don't want to change the branding of the site I could role it back.

The german site has currently zero translated recipes but I willl do that in the following days/weeks.

I accidentally named the fifth commit wrong it should be something like "added header link to the german site". I hope it doesn't mater. This is my first commit /pull request I done via command line.