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MOD+Shift+semicolon places current window in scratchpad, instead of shiftstag #216

Closed kronikpillow closed 1 year ago

kronikpillow commented 1 year ago

{ MODKEY|ShiftMask, XK_semicolon, shifttag, { .i = 1 } },

pressing this actually places the current window in a undeclared in config scratchpad, it's basically a functionality from the scratchpads patch on bakkeby's dwm-flexipatch where he improved the scratchpads patch with the ability to add any window to a invisible tag and call it as a scratchpad ...

but the keybinding is shifttag ... and the one that shifts in -1 works properly ...

you can replicate this by selecting a window, hitting MOD+Shift+semicolon, and then switching to a empty tag for example, and pressing the default keybinding for the scratchpad MOD+Shift+Return

why is the function working differently when going in the right direction instead of the left?