LukeSmithxyz / voidrice

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I have ranger and fish. How to make the shortcut functionality work? #202

Closed aasutossh closed 5 years ago

aasutossh commented 5 years ago

Hey luke, I don't use all of your ricing configs and scripts. I use ranger with your configs tho. Also I've been using fish lately. Watched your ranger video again, then found shortcuts functionality. What I have to do to get that? In fish and in ranger.

gevorgyg commented 5 years ago

If you don't really care if your default shell is fish or bash and you only want to use fish as an interactive shell, you can just append to your i3 config:

bindsym $mod+Return exec $term -e fish

This way all the bash stuff will still be working as intended.

rikohabib commented 5 years ago

where's the shortcuts files, i watch the video seem's like it has moved somewhere :/

patosullivan commented 5 years ago

~/.bmfiles ~/.bmdirs

LukeSmithxyz commented 5 years ago

~/.config/tools/shortcuts does all of this now. Be sure to source the shortcuts files it produces in your bash/ranger/fish config file. Open the script to see what it is.

As @patosullivan notes, it is ~/.bmfiles where you put your bookmarked files/configs and ~/.bmdirs where you put your bookmarked directories.

All of this is default with LARBS.