LukynkaCZE / MayaBuilderTools

A Minecraft building utility mod
MIT License
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Suggestion for more Blocks to add #6

Open Silentassassin9 opened 8 months ago

Silentassassin9 commented 8 months ago

Adding more blocks that you are able to adjust the placement of would be great in my testing it seems to be only glazed terracotta to be affected at the moment

Adding blocks like logs, woods, pillars would work very well for builder Some niche building blocks to add would be chains and "vines" like lichen and sculk vein And adding pistons, dispensers, and observers for redstone users would be nice as well Containers like barrels chests and hoppers might also be good but very niche uses with my understanding

LukynkaCZE commented 7 months ago

Hey there! I have been dealing with some mental health issues recently so I dont really want to work on anything but I will definitely add more blocks at some point in the future

LukynkaCZE commented 7 months ago

I will have to rework most of the mod to be honest, I also want to add more axis of orientations because of blocks like stairs, logs etc. which also have vertical placements