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Scaffolding out the Recipe Display #8

Closed webthingee closed 11 months ago

micahgodbolt commented 11 years ago

Let's scaffold this out in the Angular wireframe, not the ruby one.

micahgodbolt commented 11 years ago

@joshriggs It looks like we're properly moved over to prototyping in angular. I think in the long run, angular is going to be much easier to set up, understand and use. We have a recipe display already set up with some basic layout. If you have further ideas as to how it should be laid out, I can give you a quick tour of angular sometime.

joshriggs commented 11 years ago

@micahgodbolt So, Protobots is done for? Let's catch up via hangout later this week.

micahgodbolt commented 11 years ago

Not really 'done for', just evolving :) It might be done for as a ruby project. It's just that Angular lets us do pretty much everything Ruby was lettings us do, and it appears to be even more flexible when creating custom code.