Lullabot / windup

A Drupal starter theme
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Issue #59: Adding default templates from core and some default styles #69

Closed wesruv closed 8 years ago

wesruv commented 9 years ago

I haven't been able to go through all of these yet, it is likely we'll be able to remove quite a few. Thought it'd be easier to include all of the ones we might need and remove than risk missing some Also adding some basic styling for primary tabs, haven't added styling for secondary tabs or actions, but intend to That way we have a good default for something we're used to 'taking for granted' in 7 and have the option of modifying/rewriting the default

The files I've updated markup from core are: html.html.twig page.html.twig node.html.twig field.html.twig menu-local-tasks.html.twig menu-local-task.html.twig

Everything else is a copy from core that I intend to review. Instead of removing unwanted markup, I've been commenting it out {# Comments look like this #}, in case I want to 'take it back' later it's easier to find.

Should swing back and remove markup that has proven unnecessary before we finalize the 8.0.x version of the theme.

tlattimore commented 9 years ago

Honest question, do we want add default CSS to windup? I know that it can just be removed if not wanted. But I wasn't sure if we were wanting to do this.

wesruv commented 9 years ago

@tlattimore that's definitely something I want other's opinions on.

Because you don't get much for free in D8 (unless you want some markup bloat), I think it'll be good to have default styles for things we're used to taking for granted.

So if you don't want to mess with with styling admin tabs, you don't have to, but if you do, wipe the component file and start fresh. I'm thinking this is just the Drupal admin stuff and not anything that's part of the site design stuff, for instance, the pager I would leave as an unstyled bulleted list.

Thoughts? @carwin @krisbulman @mdrummond @fender @justafish ?

justafish commented 9 years ago

-1 from me for adding default CSS

wesruv commented 9 years ago

cc @mherchel

mherchel commented 9 years ago

My thought is the following:

For those reasons, I think we should leave the default CSS in.

wesruv commented 9 years ago

@mherchel Interesting, my issue with leaving Drupal's CSS in is you take the whole system.theme.css or none of it. I like component because you can remove the parts you don't feel like redoing.

RainbowArray commented 9 years ago

This is something that is going to continue to change as we move to D8 RC1.

While the classes in the markup have been moved to the Classy theme, my understanding is that a lot of the CSS still needs to be moved to Classy. So what's there in core modules may not be there in a month or two. My guess is that the CSS that gets left in core modules will be those needed for front-end admin. But no guarantees on that.

carwin commented 8 years ago

@wesruv can we take another look at this?

For the record, part of the idea behind windup is that we want things barren. So I'm against default CSS stuff entirely. When I originally did this and called it "Harbor" the goal was to make drupal as naked as possible so absolutely everything could be custom without having to fight with defaults. That goal shifted somewhat, but I really dislike Drupal markup, no matter how sane it may be. The stuff we work on is highly custom.

That said, something administrative, like Drupal Tabs is fine in my book, if you want to get that stuff in, I'm fine with it.

cc: @tlattimore @justafish @mherchel.