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install.html is out of date #345

Open pmolodo opened 8 years ago

pmolodo commented 8 years ago

From on April 09, 2014 15:22:32

Describe the problem. The latest install.html is out of date in a number of ways:

1) It shows the supported versions of Maya as 2008, 2009, and 2010.

2) Under 'Manual Method 2: Setting Up Your System Environment' there is a subsection titled "Windows XP". Since we now have Vista, Win7 and Win8 as supported environments, that should probably be changed to just say "Windows".

3) In the 'Script Editor' section it says, "works only in versions beginning with Maya 8.5 SP1". Since versions prior to that are no longer supported, there's no need to mention it.

4) Example paths all refer to older versions of pymel, python and Maya. Admittedly these are just examples which the user is expected to modify, but it's always nicer for users if they can copy and paste commands with minimal changes.

5) The document is worded in terms of adding pymel to a Maya installation which does not yet have it. Since Maya now comes with pymel pre-installed, it would be useful to mention that and reframe this document in terms of upgrading an existing installation to a newer version of pymel, along with any dangers that may entail.

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