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First call of'test', exists=True) results in a ui.Menu(res) call, where res ='test', exists=True) #471

Open chelloiaco opened 10 months ago

chelloiaco commented 10 months ago

Related to issue pymel Maya 2024 #467

The first call of containing an "exists" arg is inconsistent with Maya's cmds. It executes the creation of a ui.Menu using the result of the cmds query as the name arg.

On a fresh Maya, the following behavior is noted when checking for a non-existent "test" menu : pymel (first call - unexpected behavior) :

import pymel.core as pm"test", ex=True)
# Result: ui.Menu('AttributeEditor|MainAttributeEditorLayout|formLayout1|AEmenuBarLayout|False') #

pymel (second call - expected behavior) :"another_test", ex=True)
# Result: False #

The issue happens when on, the if not kwargs.get('query', kwargs.get('q', False)) passes and allows the execution of _factories.maybeConvert(res, uitypes.Menu) where, in this test, res = False. Note here that we lost the original kwarg ex=True on this call, since we're only using res.

This then eventually calls PyUI.__new__ on with the following args:

name=False <class 'bool'>, # NOT the default None
create=False <class 'bool'>, # default
kwargs={} # default

Which, in turn, passes the uitypes.PyUI._isBeingCreated check on, since name=False which, as far as Python cares, is True when not name ( This eventually culminates into a, which sadly is allowed (yes, using a bool) and creates a menu with the name "False", like so:
# Result: 'AttributeEditor|MainAttributeEditorLayout|formLayout1|AEmenuBarLayout|False' # 

Subsequent calls probably get caught in a try except in the cmds wrappers, since it will try to create the "False" menu again, which then prevents the menu function's cmds call at line from returning properly and doesn't create additional ones.

GoodAsNew commented 2 months ago

I think this is related. I have this issue that a condition passes even tho the value is False when first time executing. If i just do if False and True:, then it works as expected. But when I check if the value returned by pm.window(name, exists = True), it passes the condition. This happens only with PyMel. I recently installed Maya 2024 and latest PyMel. I don't remember what the PyMel version is that worked previously.

If I use condition if windowExists: it passes the condition even tho it shouldn't. But if i use if windowExists == True: It works as expected. if windowExists and True: also passes the condition with False value. If I do just if False and True: it works as expected and wont pass the condition.

Test code:

import pymel.core as pm

def test1():
    windowNam = "window123" #non existing window
    windowExists = pm.window(windowNam, exists = True) #Checks if the window exists. should always be false, because the window is never made.
    if windowExists: #This condition passes even though the value is False.
        print(windowExists) #Prints False, even though it shouldn't even pass the condition.
        pm.deleteUI(windowNam) #Tries to delete the window but since it doesn't exist, it throws an error.
False   #<-- prints False
Error: deleteUI: Object 'window123' not found.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in 
File "", line 8, in test1
File "C:\Users\(user)\AppData\Roaming\Python\Python310\site-packages\pymel\internal\", line 217, in deleteUI_wrapped
res = new_cmd(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
RuntimeError: deleteUI: Object 'window123' not found.`