LumaTeam / Luma3DS

Nintendo 3DS "Custom Firmware"
GNU General Public License v3.0
5.03k stars 552 forks source link

Compiling problems #2044

Closed Golem642 closed 3 weeks ago

Golem642 commented 3 weeks ago

I cloned this git repo, but when i try to make there's apparently some errors into main.c


I have everything installed (git, libctru, makerom and firmtool, althought this doesn't seem to come from any of these), is this normal/ am i missing something or am i not the only one having this problem ?


PabloMK7 commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, you are using an outdated libctru. Make sure you are using the latest version provided by devkitpro.

Golem642 commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry, I'm new to pacman. I thought running pacman -Syu would update everything but it seems I was mistaken and after running the command again with libctru at the end, it fixed it. Thanks