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feat(components): add numbox component #54

Closed desmondinho closed 3 months ago

desmondinho commented 3 months ago


Add the numbox, a component representing an input field for entering/editing numeric values, and the input field base component, to the component library.

Closes #49

What's been done?

Added the components mentioned above with the following abilities:

InputFieldBase: Represents a base component for form input field components

Basically, it is the Textbox that will now act as a base component for all input field components like textbox, numbox and etc.

The only 2 things I changed are:

  1. The Type parameter is now present only in the textbox to avoid confusions
  2. The InputType enum no longer contains number and all date-related types to avoid confusions

Numbox: A component representing an input field for entering/editing numeric values

Basically, a textbox without the input type control to avoid confusions that:



Most of the textbox tests should be moved into the InputFieldBaseTests. I am kind of lazy about inputs testing. It is just a big frustration for me. I will do them properly later.