LumiSpy / lumispy

Luminescence data analysis with HyperSpy.
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LumiSpy logo #65

Closed jlaehne closed 3 years ago

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

Any ideas for a LumiSpy logo?

One idea I had was using this map of emission energy around a dislocation in GaN, but any further ideas are welcome. image

jordiferrero commented 3 years ago

Your last comment triggered one of my hobbies, computer design. I made some sketches of ideas I also had a while ago combining the lambda and the spectral colours (like it is not that important... but it is fun!)

Happy to combine my ideas with your GaN, let me know what you think :-)

Asset 15@2x
ericpre commented 3 years ago

@jordiferrero, some very good ideas in your design! Columns 1 is very nice. Would it work to make the S a snake?

I am not very good at this, but with some help, we gave a go and here are some additional ideas to add the mix:

Screenshot 2021-03-28 at 18 42 37

Some of it appears not to be very good, for example, I had hope that something good will come out of putting waves/snake but it turns out just to look like a parachute...

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

@jordiferrero, I like the typography and the simpleness of columns 1&2, with a clear preference for the black version (not only because I use the dark theme on github, but also because lumi-labs tend to be dark, which is less the case for CL though)!

1B is nice, because I think including the full name is good. On the other hand, we need a square logo for the icon. Either having 2B as a compact version or modifying the logo towards a more squared shape.

By the way, you would need to switch purple and blue ;-)

From @ericpre I like the wave idea (the parachute looks like a detector, but looks too playful for a logo probably), though the lines might have to be a bit thicker to look good. How would it look to combine 1B with the waves (still with a bit of offset to the dot of the i, which could be slightly enlarged, but not too much) - could also help going closer to a square aspect ratio of the overall logo?

jordiferrero commented 3 years ago

I love all your comments! I will put together a version similar to 1B with waves and will share again so we can vote again! Thanks for the involvement :-)

jordiferrero commented 3 years ago

Here we go again...

Asset 16@2x

I really like the snake hint... after all it's Python

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

I first thought soemthing is weird, before I realized the snakehead .

B3 looks too much like hair under static charge.

B2 looks more like waves. Would it be possible for the lines of the waves to be thinner towards the center? Angles have to be polished a little probably, but I tend towards that direction. The flower in "B1" is nice and simple, but I like the idea of light and waves.

ericpre commented 3 years ago

The waves does work very well... but the snack is very nice!

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

I could not help playing a bit myself:



Edit: Of course the wavelength has to vary from purple to red by a factor of about 1.6 (personally I like A2 best, which starts with purple on the left).

Edit2: Played with a bit thicker waves in C2 and slightly enlarged dot in D2?

jordiferrero commented 3 years ago

I really like the frequency differences between the colours!

I'm happy with the C2 (works better when you zoom out and see the logo in small as lines are thicker) and then A2.

Do you have the editable file? I think I would only change a few details (the end of the orange, yellow and green have a rounded head while the others don't) and for C2, the red wavelength is a bit too close to the S in my opinion. But these are very minor things :-) Happy to stick to that!

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

I'll send you the inkscape svg by mail so that you can plug everything together.

I've rotated everything a little away from the S already. The heads are not optimized though, I agree (the non-rounded ones look more wavy indeed) - I can also give it a shot to improve them if you like.

jordiferrero commented 3 years ago

Rectangle version: logo_final_march_2021

Square version: logo_sq_final_march_2021

Final version? If you zoom out and look at it at a normal size, I think I looks good to the eye. I will upload it to GitHub now.

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

Almost, for the orange (and maybe also yellow and green) the last segment is a bit too straight, could you make it a bit more like on the red?

But otherwise, really cool!

I fear, the square version would get too small when used as avatar, would the λy version still work with the new wavy lines? I fear the purple would get too close to λ, but maybe you can make it work somehow?

ericpre commented 3 years ago

Agree, this is nice. I was also thinking the same about using the λy version for the square aspect ratio.

jordiferrero commented 3 years ago

A- Square not simplified: logo_sq_final_march_2021 B- Square simplified 1: logo_sq_final_march_2021_2 C- Square simplifed 2: logo_sq_final_march_2021_3

D- Rectangular logo (normal) logo_final_march_2021

Final version now?

ericpre commented 3 years ago

B and D are very good!

Is worth having the white background version too, just in case it can be more suitable for some usable? I have no idea, but I would imagine that it would a easy edit now, than coming back to it later, in a couple of years time, etc!

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

+1 for B & D

Does not hurt having the white BG version as svg somewhere (though if we have the svg somewhere, which we should, it can be easily created anytime). I would prefer to discourage use of the white BG version - so not to publish it in equal terms.

jlaehne commented 3 years ago

How about including an svg of the logo in the repository and adding the image as headline to the Readme, then it would also appear on e.g. Pypi.

jordiferrero commented 3 years ago

All completed now. Files are in the repo.