implement a vote nextmap feature in the HDM room (possibly other rooms later as well), which would display a list of 8 maps at the end of a round, unless there is a voteredo, or a map bought/set. players can vote on a map by pressing a button from 1 to 8. map with the most votes at the end of a countdown (10-15 seconds) gets played as the next map.
other ideas for it:
current map is never involved in the list of 8 maps
a map that was played in the last 5 rounds is never involved in the list of 8 maps
no duplicates
a custom window that also somehow displays the state of the voting in real time. perhaps with some cool looking orange bars?
a second vote in case of a draw, with only the top voted options
instead of vr, a redo option could be the 8th option for the vote (maybe implement the more-vrs-needed-for-another-redo system somehow?)
display the type of the maps in the maplist (maybe not the dots cuz they might cause lag, but write the texts with the corresponding color)
long mapnames somehow cut off in a way that the mapname is visible (for example: Mapper ft. Mapper ft. ... - Mapname)
implement a vote nextmap feature in the HDM room (possibly other rooms later as well), which would display a list of 8 maps at the end of a round, unless there is a voteredo, or a map bought/set. players can vote on a map by pressing a button from 1 to 8. map with the most votes at the end of a countdown (10-15 seconds) gets played as the next map.
other ideas for it: