Lumiverse / Atlas-Issues

This repository is used to keep track of the ongoing issues with the Lumiverse-Atlas gamemode
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vote nextmap feature in HDM #112

Open brianmta opened 3 years ago

brianmta commented 3 years ago

implement a vote nextmap feature in the HDM room (possibly other rooms later as well), which would display a list of 8 maps at the end of a round, unless there is a voteredo, or a map bought/set. players can vote on a map by pressing a button from 1 to 8. map with the most votes at the end of a countdown (10-15 seconds) gets played as the next map.

other ideas for it:

qualiti commented 2 years ago

I like the idea of letting players vote for the upcoming map. Definitely something we should add.

@Lumiverse/designer waiting for a design for the menu from you.