Lumiverse / Atlas-Issues

This repository is used to keep track of the ongoing issues with the Lumiverse-Atlas gamemode
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suggestion: map categorization for Map Uploader #210

Open CreeX0rZ opened 3 years ago

CreeX0rZ commented 3 years ago

A suggestion to improve current Map Uploader system. I will present my version of improvements to give an overall idea.

Uploaded maps could be divided by two categories: Upload & Fix.

Upload - Map has been uploaded to the Map Uploader for the first time.

Fix - For a map that was initially accepted and is currently on a server, but needs a fixed version.

Categories could have different addons for fast identification:

CreeX0rZ commented 3 years ago

I would be happy if you could take a look at this and tell if you're interested in implementing these ideas (and if so, how much time/energy would it require). Or maybe discuss these ideas & add your own takes. I feel like this enhancement would greatly improve the quality of the Map Uploader as well as help interns with testing & eliminate confusions that are happening sometimes.