LunaPixelStudios / Medieval-MC
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[1.19.2] Update MineCells to Fix Entity Cluttering and Improve Server Performance @ Medieval MC [FABRIC] - MMC1 #789

Open KuryKat opened 1 month ago

KuryKat commented 1 month ago

Describe the Bug

Related to mim1q/MineCells#119

I was running a server for a few friends to play together, around 6-10 players simultaneously. They started to complain about lag, so I started investigating. Made a spark profiler, and at first I removed the mod neruina due to recommendations as someone told me it doesn't actually work and it only makes things worse, and it indeed seem to improve the server's performance a lot.

After a couple hours playing, they started to complain about lag again, so I made another spark profiler and this time I saw a lot of entities from MineCells, so I opened an issue to report to the developer that it was making my server hang and time out the players.

After the developer replied, they told me to update MineCells from 1.5.3 to 1.5.8 and see if that improved the case, so I did. And it indeed improves the case!

Spark Profilers

[!NOTE] The server automatically restarts every 6 hours, and that last profiler was running for 6 hours after a restart with almost no players online, at most 2-3 players, so consider that fact when looking the numbers.

Thanks for your patience and I hope we can update this soon to help server performance for all players!

Reproduction Steps

  1. Download MMC1 v24 server pack and start a server
  2. Play normally with your friends for a couple hours
  3. Notice the server starts lagging and players can barely eat/walk
  4. Run a Spark Profiler to check what's going on (which btw would be a nice addition to the modpack as well, to include spark)
  5. See the huge amount of Spawner Runes entities
  6. 🔥💥🔥

Screenshots and Videos

Before the update to 1.5.8


After the update to 1.5.8


Crash Report or Log

Check the Spark profilers attached on the Description!

Operating System

Amazon Linux 2 (amd64) v6.8.0-31-generic

Minecraft Version




Modpack Version

mmc1 v24



Other Mods

We only added server-only mods, we did not add any mods that add any new features, here's the modlist:

muon-rw commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the detailed report - funnily enough the Mine Cells dev already reached out to me today to let me know about this as well!

We'll make sure it gets included in the next update of MMC1.