LunaTTvBot / LunaBot

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Drop multi Channel support #55

Closed iPaat closed 8 years ago

iPaat commented 8 years ago

We need to drop support for connecting to multiple channels. The only channel the bot should connect to, is the channel of the broadcaster (could be get from his name).

What I don't know:

CapCalamity commented 8 years ago

Are there any use-cases where a Streamer / Moderator would need to have access to multiple channels?

I guess if a Mod wants to manage multiple streams at once he would run into problems if we decide to only allow one channel.

But it would certainly make development easier if we were to restrict the user in this case

iPaat commented 8 years ago

Okay, I think we should restrict the user here. If he wants to change the channel he will lose his data and has to start from scratch. I think this is understandable for the users if they get warnings before.

SupremeVoid commented 8 years ago

A streamer would propably never need to access any channels beside of his own. Therefore dropping the Multi Channel connect is reasonable.

For Moderator´s though it could be very useful to have every channel in one programm IF we allow Moderators to access the bot. The User should get the possibility to switch the channel he access to. Like @SuNflOw1991 said.

Another problem with that would be that we need seperate permissions for Streamers and Moderators. (The Streamer may not want the Moderator to change the Points system for example. (Abuse))

This would only make the development of this harder though.

iPaat commented 8 years ago

For Moderator´s though it could be very useful to have every channel in one programm IF we allow Moderators to access the bot.

I like the idea we talked once at school about that as far as I remember. But I think we should make an own tool/project for that. Maybe we build an open source chat program with special iBot support. Or we develop plugins for common IRC Clients.

CapCalamity commented 8 years ago

So, is this going to be a Streamer-Only tool?

iPaat commented 8 years ago

iBot-lib probably not if we can separate streamer and other users features. But I think that should be hard do archive.

An idea could be:

3 Modes

Streamer use the Bot to have some helpful features for their stream. Moderator use the Bot to manage things. Viewer use the Bot to chat and get a helpful GUI to interact with iBot.

Streamer starts the Bot in a Channel. The Bot sends a message to our server with information about which features are enabled and for whom.

Moderator/Viewer starts the client, get information from the server which features he could use. And with that we can have a nice experience for everyone. The client could react if there is an open poll and show a little Vote interface automatically.

And then we are went away from commands in a chat to a simple GUI. And this.. Has nobody developed for Twitch as far as I know.

But I think for ideas like that we need years or more developers... :(

CapCalamity commented 8 years ago

I like the concept, even though the viewer mode is probably overkill, and will probably not be widely used.
Maybe we can use the IRC internal features for this... Instead of our own server we use the /w command from IRC

iPaat commented 8 years ago

/w will cause readable messages in twitch's general chat programs like smartphones and so on. We can't hide them.

iPaat commented 8 years ago

As we developed new ideas I decided with agreement of @CapCalamity to not drop the multi channel support within the iBot-lib. We could be restrictive in our user interfaces.