LunarG / gfxreconstruct

Graphics API Capture and Replay Tools for Reconstructing Graphics Application Behavior
MIT License
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Sign resulting DSOs so they can be loaded into signed apps like vkcube shipped with SDK #1517

Open bradgrantham-lunarg opened 1 month ago

fabian-lunarg commented 1 week ago

we have an internal (temporary) solution to do this, which we can further improve. right now we're able to (manually) sign our macOS libVkLayer_gfxreconstruct.dylib using the same certificate used to sign the SDK-apps. using this signed layer-DSO I was successful capturing vulkaninfo and vkcube from our macOS SDK.

the question is whether to leave this issue open until we streamline this process further, integrate with CI, ... what do you think @bradgrantham-lunarg ?