Open tlelson opened 2 years ago
put in .config/nvim/ftplugin/lua.lua
it will help
--let &l:include = '\v<((do|load)file|require)[^''"]*[''"]\zs[^''"]+'
--let s:sid = expand('<SID>')
--let &l:includeexpr = s:sid . 'LuaInclude(v:fname)'
--function! s:LuaInclude(fname) abort
-- let module = substitute(a:fname, '\.', '/', 'g')
-- let paths = nvim_list_runtime_paths()
-- for template in paths
-- let template .= '/lua/'
-- let chk1 = template . module . '.lua'
-- let chk2 = template . module . '/init.lua'
-- echo chk1
-- echo chk2
-- if filereadable(chk1)
-- return chk1
-- elseif filereadable(chk2)
-- return chk2
-- endif
-- endfor
-- return a:fname
local fmt = string.format
-- Iterator that splits a string o a given delimiter
local function split(str, delim)
delim = delim or "%s"
return string.gmatch(str, fmt('[^%s]+', delim))
-- Find the proper directory separator depending
-- on lua installation or OS.
local function dir_separator()
-- Look at package.config for directory separator string (it's the first line)
if package.config then
return string.match(package.config, '^[^\n]')
elseif vim.fn.has('win32') == 1 then
return '\\'
return '/'
-- Search for lua traditional include paths.
-- This mimics how require internally works.
local function include_paths(fname, ext)
ext = ext or "lua"
local sep = dir_separator()
local paths = string.gsub(package.path, '%?', fname)
for path in split(paths, "%;") do
if vim.fn.filereadable(path) == 1 then
return path
-- Search for nvim lua include paths
local function include_rtpaths(fname, ext)
ext = ext or "lua"
local sep = dir_separator()
local rtpaths = vim.api.nvim_list_runtime_paths()
local modfile, initfile = fmt('%s.%s', fname, ext), fmt('init.%s', ext)
for _, path in ipairs(rtpaths) do
-- Look on runtime path for 'lua/*.lua' files
local path1 = table.concat({path, ext, modfile}, sep)
if vim.fn.filereadable(path1) == 1 then
return path1
-- Look on runtime path for 'lua/*/init.lua' files
local path2 = table.concat({path, ext, fname, initfile}, sep)
if vim.fn.filereadable(path2) == 1 then
return path2
-- Global function that searches the path for the required file
function find_required_path(module)
-- Look at package.config for directory separator string (it's the first line)
local sep = string.match(package.config, '^[^\n]')
-- Properly change '.' to separator (probably '/' on *nix and '\' on Windows)
local fname = vim.fn.substitute(module, "\\.", sep, "g")
local f
---- First search for lua modules
f = include_paths(fname, 'lua')
if f then return f end
-- This part is just for nvim modules
f = include_rtpaths(fname, 'lua')
if f then return f end
---- Now search for Fennel modules
f = include_paths(fname, 'fnl')
if f then return f end
-- This part is just for nvim modules
f = include_rtpaths(fname, 'fnl')
if f then return f end
-- Set options to open require with gf
vim.opt_local.include = [=[\v<((do|load)file|require)\s*\(?['"]\zs[^'"]+\ze['"]]=]
vim.opt_local.includeexpr = "v:lua.find_required_path(v:fname)"
Hi LunarVim, Thanks for the comprehensive videos and excellently structured config examples.
I'm struggling to see where you have set up the
to allow you to jump to lua config files. For instance when you open ìnit.luaand
gfon top of
user.options` you jump to that file.This doesn't work for me with your config.
What am I missing?
Hi LunarVim, Thanks for the comprehensive videos and excellently structured config examples.
I'm struggling to see where you have set up the
to allow you to jump to lua config files. For instance when you open ìnit.luaand
gfon top of
user.options` you jump to that file.This doesn't work for me with your config.
What am I missing?