LunarVim / Neovim-from-scratch

📚 A Neovim config designed from scratch to be understandable
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Fix: wrong pull request for My05 completion #310

Closed vimnux closed 1 year ago

vimnux commented 1 year ago

Made a pull request against master instead of the 05-completion branch: PR #309

This should fix the issue ... sorry for the misunderstanding.

Ps I'm new to this git stuff ... should I make a pull request for the missing icons in cmd.lua in every branch or are you handling it from here ?

gnmearacaun commented 1 year ago

tyvm sir.

There are other errors from 08-telescope onwards (that are fixed on master and earlier branches) but still need to be applied to later branches. Namely:

[nvim-cmp] Please use window.documentation = cmp.config.window.bordered() instead.
cmp_nvim_lsp.update_capabilities is deprecated, use cmp_nvim_lsp.default_capabilities instead. See :h depr

(Also when we started using mason, the lsp folder structure changed. And plugins are pinned and could probably pinned to later versions they use in nvim-basic-ide with nvim v0.9

I implemented those changes up to 07 and may leave it up to the community as to whether to fix the others, or whether to suggest follow the videos using master instead(?)

I am curious as to how master will behave when I upgrade my nvim to v0.9.

vimnux commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much for the merge and the heads up !

I'm using neovim 0.9.1-1 haven't tried master but ... all branches I've seen so far seem to work fine with this version of neovim.

Setting up shellcheck with lsp was a pain though... I used an extra plugin: 'jay-babu/mason-null-ls.nvim' to make it work. This plugin closes some gaps that exist between mason.nvim and null-ls. It makes shellcheck pretty much work 'out of the box' with your neovim from scratch configuration.

I needed extra binds for these commands: :lua vim.diagnostic.open_float() :lua vim.diagnostic.goto_next() :lua vim.diagnostic.goto_prev() to make shellcheck's diagnostic messages pop up though.

I'll post a 'Solved' on your issues section after figuring out how to properly set up shellcheck in ~/.config/nvim/lua/user/lsp/handlers.lua (the answer to that is probably in your lesson but I installed shellcheck through mason when I was halfway your video ...)

I want my diagnostics to run through telescope ... will look at master and the LunarVim configuration when I run into errors. And I'll post pull requests for your branches when I'm able to fix stuff ... will delete/update my fork before posting them.

Cheers !