LunarVim / bigfile.nvim

Make editing big files faster 🚀
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Notify user on what features are disabled #18

Open hinell opened 10 months ago

hinell commented 10 months ago

Hi. This is a feature request, not a bug.

I recently run into a weird issue with tsserver LSP not working properly in big files. It turned out this plugin forcibly detaches buffers without stopping servers.

I request to make this plugin to be verbose and explicit on which features are disabled, so users can see its actions reported. This may be configurable via silent = false config.

E.g. of a code snippet that can do reporting:

vim.notify("bigfile.nvim: buffer: LSP servers s are forcibly detached!", vim.log.levels.WARN)

This will make it easier to troubleshoot neovim. Thanks.

If plugin is silent, it's hard to troubleshoot it

Here is an example.

I got an typescript tsserver Error: No Project. error that misguided me on the source of the issue. The log says nothing that it has lost connection (buffer got detached) further confusing me. Because of that I run into a wrong issue.

FILE: tsserver.log ``` Info 0 [12:09:24.718] Starting TS Server Info 1 [12:09:24.719] Version: 5.2.2 Info 2 [12:09:24.719] Arguments: /home/alex/dotfiles/nvm/.nvm/versions/node/v20.5.0/bin/node ./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js --serverMode partialSemantic --useInferredProjectPerProjectRoot --disableAutomaticTypingAcquisition --cancellationPipeName /tmp/6eb47b130a698bb88d59be24690b11c3/tscancellation* --logVerbosity normal --logFile /tmp/tsserver/tsserver-log-as5oK1/tsserver.log --locale en --validateDefaultNpmLocation --useNodeIpc Info 3 [12:09:24.719] Platform: linux NodeVersion: v20.5.0 CaseSensitive: true Info 4 [12:09:24.719] ServerMode: 1 hasUnknownServerMode: undefined Info 5 [12:09:24.727] Host information neovim Info 6 [12:09:24.727] Format host information updated Info 7 [12:09:26.114] Starting updateGraphWorker: Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1* Info 8 [12:09:27.359] Finishing updateGraphWorker: Project: /dev/null/inferredProject1* Version: 1 structureChanged: true structureIsReused:: Not Elapsed: 1244.2914890013635ms Info 9 [12:09:27.359] Project '/dev/null/inferredProject1*' (Inferred) Info 10 [12:09:27.359] Files (8) ... Info 18 [12:09:28.150] ----------------------------------------------- Info 18 [12:09:28.150] Open files: Info 18 [12:09:28.150] After ensureProjectForOpenFiles: Info 19 [12:09:28.150] Project '/dev/null/inferredProject1*' (Inferred) Info 19 [12:09:28.150] Files (0) Info 19 [12:09:28.150] ----------------------------------------------- Info 19 [12:09:28.150] Open files: Err 19 [12:09:28.165] Exception on executing command { "seq": 4, "type": "request", "command": "navtree", "arguments": { "file": "./TypeScript/src/compiler/checker.ts" } }: No Project. Error: No Project. at Object.ThrowNoProject (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:174959:11) at ScriptInfo.getDefaultProject (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:175711:23) at _ProjectService.doEnsureDefaultProjectForFile (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:178932:36) at _ProjectService.ensureDefaultProjectForFile (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:178927:75) at IpcIOSession.getFileAndProjectWorker (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:183899:77) at IpcIOSession.getFileAndProject (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:183885:17) at IpcIOSession.getFileAndLanguageServiceForSyntacticOperation (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:183888:36) at IpcIOSession.getNavigationTree (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:184320:44) at navtree (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:182604:43) at ./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:184838:69 at IpcIOSession.executeWithRequestId (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:184830:14) at IpcIOSession.executeCommand (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:184838:29) at IpcIOSession.onMessage (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:184880:51) at process. (./TypeScript/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js:186461:14) at process.emit (node:events:514:28) at emit (node:internal/child_process:951:14) at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:83:21) ```

It's easy to reproduce this behavior on any big file where LSP is attached. E.g.:

# run in shell
pushd $(mktemp -d)
git clone --no-tags --depth 1
pushd TypeScript
rm /tmp/tsserver/tsserver-log-*/*.log
nvim compiler/checker.ts # 50k+ LOC 
LostNeophyte commented 10 months ago

I thought we already had that, this is a good feature to have

i just don't know if we should send 1 message or one for each feature or 1 message with a list of all the features

hinell commented 10 months ago

It's fine if you list all features at once but there might be many though.