Lunatrius / Schematica

Import schematics, export schematics, build schematics. All inside Minecraft!
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How do I edit the source code with eclipse? #407

Open elesto opened 5 years ago

elesto commented 5 years ago


Billy-Playz commented 5 years ago

1) If you are wanting to work with modding you have to go in with knowlage and be prepaired. Watch tutorials to get a better understanding before you go doing it head on. Trust me, it took me 6 months before I got into modding because I was just skimming through false articles with no understanding of what to do.

2) This is not an issue. If you need help with modding you should go to the Minecraft Forums [] for Minecraft related help. You have better luck being responded sooner too.

3) As this is not Minecraft related per say, you should go to the eclipse forums for help. []