LunchDevCommunity / community-calendar

📅 Community calendar for our Discord server, built with love and Eleventy.
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Generate subscribe-able calendar feed #70

Open chantastic opened 3 years ago

chantastic commented 3 years ago

i'd like folks to have an option to subscribe to a live calandar feed of events.

this could help folks (not already in Discord) opt into reminders for all of our events.

i'm not sure the best way to do it. but i had some ideas batting around my head:

Calendar feed template

I'm sure we could use a template to build a calendar feed (or something) that updates with the site.

Use sash event feed

Sesh has a way to export a subscribe-able feed. This is nice but limited. The events don't have the benefit of a description, location, url, etc.


If both ideas are possible, I'm curious if there's a way to do a hybrid approach. Publish a calendar based on the data in Git. Monitor the Sash feed and open new event PRs with the title and time.

This could be a way to accomplish another goal, which is to make event creation easy for those who haven't yet contributed to the community calendar (or aren't interested in doing so).

In any case, this is all just ideas rn and no real direction.

Interested to consider other approaches as well — specifically those that keep as much implementation in GitHub.