Lundalogik / lime-elements

Provides reusable web components for Lime CRM
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limel-markdown: component renders partial HTML if linebreaks separates some elements #3209

Closed TommyLindh2 closed 1 month ago

TommyLindh2 commented 1 month ago

Current behavior

This is a continued conversation from this issue:

Faulty rendering of HTML if line breaks separate opening and closing of elements Here's an example that will render incorrectly:

It will render the </style></span> as text




Image from Lime elements docs - v37.61.8


Expected behavior

It shouldn't render the HTML elements, but instead render it as a complete HTML. The above example should just state the text Hello2

Suggested solution by John from previous issue

We should be able to do that. I did a quick test using Parse5 and added a small plugin to the pipeline.

.use(() => {
    return (tree: Node) => {
        visit(tree, 'html', (node: any) => {
            if (node.type === 'html') {
                const documentFragment = parse5.parseFragment(
                node.value = parse5.serialize(documentFragment);

This proved to at least fix the specific example you gave above but we'd probably want to take a bit more time investigating and solving this. I'll create an issue for it on our cooldown board.


TommyLindh2 commented 1 month ago

@john-traas @adrianschmidt - I'll create a PR based on Johns code, and let's start from there

TommyLindh2 commented 1 month ago

The component is not meant to render complex HTML, it is meant to render markdown and some simple HTML for formatting content more precise. So we will close this PR/Issue and it's up to the consumer to actually pass a valid content