Luo-Z13 / pointobb

[CVPR2024] PointOBB: Learning Oriented Object Detection via Single Point Supervision
MIT License
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mmcv版本问题 #15

Closed zzhhzz666 closed 1 month ago

zzhhzz666 commented 2 months ago

作者您好,又来打搅您了。上次跟您说,每次跑几个epoch会爆内存,然后您说,可以使用延续点进行训练,第一次跑了10个epoch, 我延续这个,又跑到了第22个epoch,又断了,再然后就运行不了了。在第23个epoch开始时,就会直接爆,尝试了好几次,也只能处理第一组,然后直接 out of memory. 然后我按照您说的mmcv-full版本泄露问题,按照您给的指令,pytorch1.9.0对应的mmcv-full应该就是1.7.2.我安装的就是1.7.2.然后我从官网上下载1.7.1,但是就不是mmcv-full了,只能是mmcv1.7.1了,然后运行后,一直报ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘mmcv._ext..所以我想问下您用的是哪个版本的mmcv——full,或者说有没有其他解决方法。祝万事如意!


zzhhzz666 commented 2 months ago


zzhhzz666 commented 2 months ago

train的时候用mmcv-full==1.7.2,虽然会有内存泄漏,但是降低batch能运行出来,到了inference的时候,会告诉我安装mmcv>=1.3.2, <=1.4.0,就很奇怪。我又卸载了1.7.2安装mmcv-full1.4.0.也会有别的问题 (open-mmlab) zhuzhenhua@ubuntu-SYS-4028GR-TR:~/pointobb-main/PointOBB$ sh

CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'. If your shell is Bash or a Bourne variant, enable conda for the current user with

$ echo ". /home/zhaoxiaoyao/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/" >> ~/.bashrc

or, for all users, enable conda with

$ sudo ln -s /home/zhaoxiaoyao/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/

The options above will permanently enable the 'conda' command, but they do NOT put conda's base (root) environment on PATH. To do so, run

$ conda activate

in your terminal, or to put the base environment on PATH permanently, run

$ echo "conda activate" >> ~/.bashrc

Previous to conda 4.4, the recommended way to activate conda was to modify PATH in your ~/.bashrc file. You should manually remove the line that looks like

export PATH="/home/zhaoxiaoyao/anaconda3/bin:$PATH"

^^^ The above line should NO LONGER be in your ~/.bashrc file! ^^^

/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/ UserWarning: On January 1, 2023, MMCV will release v2.0.0, in which it will remove components related to the training process and add a data transformation module. In addition, it will rename the package names mmcv to mmcv-lite and mmcv-full to mmcv. See for more details. 'On January 1, 2023, MMCV will release v2.0.0, in which it will remove ' Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 24, in from mmdet import version File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmdet/", line 25, in f'MMCV=={mmcv.version} is used but incompatible. ' \ AssertionError: MMCV==1.7.2 is used but incompatible. Please install mmcv>=1.3.2, <=1.4.0. /home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/ UserWarning: On January 1, 2023, MMCV will release v2.0.0, in which it will remove components related to the training process and add a data transformation module. In addition, it will rename the package names mmcv to mmcv-lite and mmcv-full to mmcv. See for more details. 'On January 1, 2023, MMCV will release v2.0.0, in which it will remove ' Traceback (most recent call last): File "exp/tools/", line 4, in from mmdet.core.bbox import bbox_overlaps File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmdet/", line 25, in f'MMCV=={mmcv.version} is used but incompatible. ' \ AssertionError: MMCV==1.7.2 is used but incompatible. Please install mmcv>=1.3.2, <=1.4.0.

zzhhzz666 commented 2 months ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 273, in main() File "tools/", line 234, in main test_cfg=cfg.get('test_cfg')) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmdet/models/", line 58, in build_detector cfg, default_args=dict(train_cfg=train_cfg, test_cfg=test_cfg)) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/utils/", line 212, in build return self.build_func(*args, **kwargs, registry=self) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/cnn/", line 27, in build_model_from_cfg return build_from_cfg(cfg, registry, default_args) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/utils/", line 45, in build_from_cfg f'{obj_type} is not in the {} registry') KeyError: 'PointOBB is not in the models registry' loading annotations into memory... Done (t=0.98s) creating index... index created! Loading and preparing results... Traceback (most recent call last): File "exp/tools/", line 30, in res = coco.loadRes(args.det_file) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycocotools/", line 319, in loadRes with open(resFile) as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/zhuzhenhua/pointobb-main/PointOBB/work_dir/test_pointobb_r50_fpn_2x_dior/pseudo_obb_result.json'

Luo-Z13 commented 2 months ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "tools/", line 273, in main() File "tools/", line 234, in main test_cfg=cfg.get('test_cfg')) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmdet/models/", line 58, in build_detector cfg, default_args=dict(train_cfg=train_cfg, test_cfg=test_cfg)) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/utils/", line 212, in build return self.build_func(*args, **kwargs, registry=self) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/cnn/", line 27, in build_model_from_cfg return build_from_cfg(cfg, registry, default_args) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmcv/utils/", line 45, in build_from_cfg f'{obj_type} is not in the {} registry') KeyError: 'PointOBB is not in the models registry' loading annotations into memory... Done (t=0.98s) creating index... index created! Loading and preparing results... Traceback (most recent call last): File "exp/tools/", line 30, in res = coco.loadRes(args.det_file) File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pycocotools/", line 319, in loadRes with open(resFile) as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/zhuzhenhua/pointobb-main/PointOBB/work_dir/test_pointobb_r50_fpn_2x_dior/pseudo_obb_result.json'


Luo-Z13 commented 2 months ago



File "/home/zhuzhenhua/.conda/envs/open-mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mmdet/", line 25, in
f'MMCV=={mmcv.version} is used but incompatible. '
AssertionError: MMCV==1.7.2 is used but incompatible. Please install mmcv>=1.3.2, <=1.4.0.


Luo-Z13 commented 2 months ago



zzhhzz666 commented 2 months ago



佬,您好!mmcv-full版本的问题我暂时没有什么问题了,我用1.4.0还可以,然后又安装了您的1.4.5,注销了提示。但是现在运行推理指令sh 会出现附图的问题.老是在这里提问,觉得很很影响您。您的邮件肯定很忙,半天出来一个我的问题,应该会影响您吧。如果可以的话,我能加您一个联系方式吗,我的微信是hua15255859221,麻烦您啦!祝您的科研顺利! 微信图片_20240718154114