Luodian / MADAN

Pytorch Code release for our NeurIPS paper "Multi-source Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation"
MIT License
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How to train with synthia? #5

Open pkuCactus opened 3 years ago

pkuCactus commented 3 years ago

Hi, @Luodian I have download the code and found that and cyclegan_synthia2cityscapes are the same. Then i want to use the script of GTA5, however the initial model weights are from drn26_cycada_cyclegta2cityscapes.pth. So if i train synthia, how to init the model? The same with GTA5 use drn26_cycada_cyclegta2cityscapes.pth? What if I train from my another own dataset, how to init the model? Another problem is that how could i train the model end-to-end which as you claimed in paper? Expect your reply. Thanks.