Luodian / RelateAnything

Relate Anything Model is capable of taking an image as input and utilizing SAM to identify the corresponding mask within the image.
Apache License 2.0
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Bug: thumbnail image resize #3

Open bofei5675 opened 1 year ago

bofei5675 commented 1 year ago

If you input image with clicked coordinates, I found the app throw an error. The error is caused by two masks has different size when computing IOU,.

It cause by the code in

# about line 161-165
w, h = pil_image.size
#if w > 800:
#    pil_image.thumbnail((800, 800*h/w))
#    input_image.thumbnail((800, 800*h/w))
#    coords = str(int(int(coords.split(',')[0]) * 800 / w)) + ',' + str(int(int(coords.split(',')[1]) * 800 / w))

comment thumbnail methods fix this issue but not sure I should do this.

Luodian commented 1 year ago

Indeed we found it could cause error previously (@Jingkang50), we will fix it soon!