Lupicus / SpawnerFix

Fix spawner for 1.16 Minecraft
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

Mod Not Available in New CurseForge API Breaking External Tools #2

Open coryjreid opened 1 year ago

coryjreid commented 1 year ago

The setting permitting the project to be accessible through the new CurseForge API is disabled which breaks the use of certain tools such as Packwiz. Toggling this setting to on will correct the issue, permitting the project to be downloaded through the new CurseForge API.


nothub commented 1 year ago

Please allow third-party downloads, currently the Installation with Mod-Managers does not work and makes it impossible to automatically install packs containing this mod! Maybe even just release the mod on Modrinth :)

Hi-ImKyle commented 1 year ago

No update?

DDriggs00 commented 1 year ago

Here's a more detailed explanation of some of the downsides to this setting:

nothub commented 1 year ago

The MIT license that this project is licensed under allows for republishing and distribution without limitation. Maybe someone else can upload this to Modrinth to solve the issue. Additionally it would require packs to add the alternative source for the dependency. That might not solve all the tooling issues but packs could just reference the source that does not break tooling in the future. @Lupicus what do you think about this?

Commandcracker commented 1 year ago

Why is the duplicate label on this issue ? It would be nice to have this issue resolved.