LuqueDaniel / pybooru

Pybooru is a Python package to access to the API of Danbooru/Moebooru based sites
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Support Danbooru "Common Search Parameters" ; at least 'page' and 'limit' #55

Open fire-eggs opened 2 years ago

fire-eggs commented 2 years ago

Detailed Description

The Danbooru API docs mention that all searches support a common set of parameters.

None of these common parameters are supported in

I'm specifically interested in the "page" parameter.


I am attempting to use pybooru to fetch notes for all posts [see my project Danbooru2019]. This because qwern doesn't include notes in his dataset.

Anywho, I found the note API will only return 20 notes for a given post. I.e. I'm using pybooru as follows:

nl = client.note_list(post_id=77, is_active=True)

And this only returns 20 notes, whereas post id 77 actually has 21 notes.

So I need to be able to request pages to get all notes, e.g.:

nl = client.note_list(post_id=77, is_active=True, page=1)
if (len(nl) == 20):
  nl = client.note_list(post_id=77, is_active=True, page=2)

Possible Implementation

Reworking, note_list as follows appears to do the trick [documentation removed for conciseness]:

    def note_list(self, body_matches=None, post_id=None, post_tags_match=None,
                  creator_name=None, creator_id=None, is_active=None, page=1):

        params = {
            'search[body_matches]': body_matches,
            'search[post_id]': post_id,
            'search[post_tags_match]': post_tags_match,
            'search[creator_name]': creator_name,
            'search[creator_id]': creator_id,
            'search[is_active]': is_active,
            'page' : page
        return self._get('notes.json', params)

Your Environment

fire-eggs commented 2 years ago

Mucking about a little more, supporting the "limit" parameter might actually be more useful, as it extends the number of entries returned. E.g.:

    def note_list(self, body_matches=None, post_id=None, post_tags_match=None,
                  creator_name=None, creator_id=None, is_active=None, page=1, limit=20):

        params = {
            'search[body_matches]': body_matches,
            'search[post_id]': post_id,
            'search[post_tags_match]': post_tags_match,
            'search[creator_name]': creator_name,
            'search[creator_id]': creator_id,
            'search[is_active]': is_active,
            'page' : page,
            'limit' : limit
        return self._get('notes.json', params)