Lusito / forget-me-not

Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
zlib License
226 stars 25 forks source link

Updated translations for 'gsw': Swiss German #134

Closed BenjaminRosenzweig closed 5 years ago

BenjaminRosenzweig commented 5 years ago

Your translation have been copied to your clipboard. Paste it here

Updated translations for 'gsw': Swiss German:

    "__WET_GROUP__0": { "message": "Branding" },
    "extensionName": {
        "message": "Forget Me Not - Vergiss Guezzli & anderi Datä",
        "description": "Name of the extension.",
        "hash": "fda1d8fe3045df9c26b504ae4e45b1ad"
    "extensionDescription": {
        "message": "Macht das dä Browser Datä vo Siite vergisst, uusgno diä Datä wod wotsch bhalte.",
        "description": "Description of the extension.",
        "hash": "8138b17e7f1daceffca0d19015bb86e7"
    "actionTitle": {
        "message": "Forget Me Not",
        "description": "Action button title",
        "hash": "283721a4ca7095dd59b153aa55ae6f69"
    "actionTitleSnooze": {
        "message": "Forget Me Not (temporär deaktiviert)",
        "description": "Action button title during snooze",
        "hash": "1083d3039c66b786ea7f4fb7d6b6c095"
    "logo@title": {
        "message": "Forget Me Not",
        "hash": "283721a4ca7095dd59b153aa55ae6f69"

    "__WET_GROUP__1": { "message": "Dialogs" },
    "alert_ok": {
        "message": "Okey",
        "hash": "d2702da8185dd5d533913d767bddc05d"
    "prompt_ok": {
        "message": "Okey",
        "hash": "d2702da8185dd5d533913d767bddc05d"
    "prompt_cancel": {
        "message": "Stop",
        "hash": "17aa19f18a894459ab6ff21156e8a341"
    "reset_dialog_title": {
        "message": "Istellige Zruggsetzä",
        "hash": "f5545c85577b03ed93d451abf748ce8d"
    "reset_dialog_content": {
        "message": "Das cha ma nöd Rückgängig machä.",
        "hash": "db630835e0fd63a96fcb2feed83facc3"
    "rule_dialog_title": {
        "message": "tue ä Löschregle uuswähle",
        "hash": "8b92b69da821db80656274e044e68643"
    "rule_dialog_content": {
        "message": "- **N**iä: Niä suubermachä.\n- Biim Uuf**S**tartä: Nur biim Start vom Browser suubermachä.\n- Biim Ver**L**aa: Suubermachä bim verlaa vo näre Domäne und biim Start vom Browser.\n- Sofort: Verhiinderä das Date gspeicheret wärdet, falls möglich. Anderersiits benimm diich wiä bi `Biim Verlaa`.\n\n**\\*** Wän 'Biim Verlaa' und 'Biim Uufstartä' funktionirä söll müend die entsprächendä Uufstart Iistellige agschalte sii. Äs paar limitationä chas gää wäge dä Web Erwiiterigs API. [Liis meh über das](readme.html#tutorial)",
        "hash": "bb88166ccd6ce8e41eb96328204fb401"
    "rule_dialog_expression": {
        "message": "Uusdruck:",
        "hash": "4342463f910507a3f4f1f81716912f1c"
    "confirm_settings_and_rules": {
        "message": "Istellige & Reglä",
        "hash": "e195409b368c4fbb6d4fa33ae6a52c20"
    "confirm_settings_only": {
        "message": "Numä Istelligä",
        "hash": "47dbae6cf11a5b79c1abae7b56485c18"
    "confirm_ok": {
        "message": "Okey",
        "hash": "d2702da8185dd5d533913d767bddc05d"
    "confirm_cancel": {
        "message": "Stop",
        "hash": "17aa19f18a894459ab6ff21156e8a341"
    "confirm_rule_replace_dialog_title": {
        "message": "dä Usdruck für nä Reglä gits scho",
        "hash": "c75edd105dd87f7b72216c1e32dcf101"
    "confirm_rule_replace_dialog_content": {
        "message": "dä Usdruck für nä Reglä gits scho.. wotsch di alti Reglä überschriibe?",
        "hash": "74219b377804324016c6fbca36518b25"

    "__WET_GROUP__2": { "message": "Cleanup Types" },
    "cleanup_type_never_badge": {
        "message": "N",
        "hash": "365345324a710f7b5f2824f1da013f2d"
    "cleanup_type_never_button": {
        "message": "*N*iä",
        "hash": "4a5ce3a386f30ed9c9bdb8d9744fae6d"
    "cleanup_type_never_button@title": {
        "message": "Chei Süberig",
        "hash": "afc3c0c6f3ae62b193abe67827fe8562"
    "cleanup_type_startup_badge": {
        "message": "S",
        "hash": "449c22c9ba9d8f9189fe6d0c3d640464"
    "cleanup_type_startup_button": {
        "message": "bim uf*S*tarte",
        "hash": "a828be5a7de52d416d9ace00bc40fd3a"
    "cleanup_type_startup_button@title": {
        "message": "Suubermache bim Neustart vom Browser",
        "hash": "36b13ce8c9bc05281eb243c1633a4c7a"
    "cleanup_type_leave_badge": {
        "message": "L",
        "hash": "fbd5b37ca4019b5d4bbdd5309a9cda0d"
    "cleanup_type_leave_button": {
        "message": "bim ver*L*aa",
        "hash": "474d0269f9757e726e5d91f684c33033"
    "cleanup_type_leave_button@title": {
        "message": "Suubermache bim Verlaa vo nere Domäne",
        "hash": "a69a2b082be9de0589a0f807f6be2179"
    "cleanup_type_instantly_badge": {
        "message": "I",
        "hash": "43165bb2fb785fea90fb86352ea3ea8c"
    "cleanup_type_instantly_button": {
        "message": "Sofort",
        "hash": "62610f955f62f7701a06a80ff04e1e1b"
    "cleanup_type_instantly_button@title": {
        "message": "Blockiere/Entfernä biim Erstellä",
        "hash": "f253ddd17544f84b52a993fe784164e6"
    "cleanup_type_create_button": {
        "message": "ä neui Regle chreierä",
        "hash": "913e8b0d4ccb47df0b1a1780c709f857"
    "cleanup_type_create_button@title": {
        "message": "Uswähle und Awände vom Lösch Typus",
        "hash": "8f2e26691bb8f0096850c14fa831ca5d"

    "__WET_GROUP__3": { "message": "Settings" },
    "settings_unsupported_checkbox@title": {
        "message": "das isch nöd Unterstützt",
        "hash": "99286998bff7ecef26245d3858e4fe0f"
    "perform_manual_cleanup": {
        "message": "mach vo Hand suuber",
        "hash": "1098090c30d2dc94517833dc3d259a71"
    "manual_cleanup_description": {
        "message": "Mit däm chasch vo Hand suubermache. Du chasch Uswähle was Gsüberet söll werde.",
        "hash": "8cadfdbd6dc8a5c1f3f4250ac9a02770"
    "define_rules": {
        "message": "ä neui Reglä definierä:",
        "hash": "958b9c121084b503102f5f7e566a833e"
    "recently_accessed_domains": {
        "message": "Kürzlich bsuechtii Domänä:",
        "hash": "53d2a0edc88172044b6b6db0c1996820"
    "tabs_settings_general": {
        "message": "Allgemein",
        "hash": "e90d858c95232c95e34b4bb2f25b69e4"
    "tabs_settings_cleanup": {
        "message": "Suubermache",
        "hash": "338c238d02c3001ea6d21739b8678ec5"
    "tabs_settings_experimental": {
        "message": "Experimänt",
        "hash": "8c4bf4c8a976e8e38fcb8edd8f05602a"
    "tabs_this_tab@title": {
        "message": "aktuelli Karteicharte Riiter",
        "hash": "9e1baccf4de27f703edde7de60b38ee1"
    "tabs_rules@title": {
        "message": "ä neui Reglä definierä",
        "hash": "21d4563d916a5e113022379778156fff"
    "tabs_settings@title": {
        "message": "Iistelligä",
        "hash": "9c49db0871c842c3afc2c09b8a957eba"
    "tabs_log@title": {
        "message": "Domänä Logbuech",
        "hash": "4e6a1346f00de8119677a55341959bf0"
    "tabs_about@title": {
        "message": "Über Forget Me Not",
        "hash": "c7f0b61c0416534e0a666f03327552b3"
    "tabs_tutorial@title": {
        "message": "Iiführigslehrgang",
        "hash": "890626624db50efe177837d959c3a8f4"
    "tabs_experimental@title": {
        "message": "Experimentelli Funktionä",
        "hash": "f349bbd753db24b2c15a159a227bd115"
    "tabs_changelog@title": {
        "message": "Änderigs Log",
        "hash": "d1f539e046abe83e76dcf2163f9a143c"
    "button_clean_now": {
        "message": "jetz Suubermache!",
        "hash": "9294eae08b1e3bfffede71c2be473b29"
    "button_clean_domain": {
        "message": "mach diä Domäne suuber",
        "hash": "2e3cc752e235b2a95737ad9113e45bf5"
    "button_import": {
        "message": "Importirä..",
        "hash": "0192d8f28f3d837e79a05711e6379e5e"
    "button_export": {
        "message": "Exportirä..",
        "hash": "46a378d64766cc2c8491cd13b018657f"
    "button_reset": {
        "message": "uf Standardiistellige zruggsetzä",
        "hash": "6a2c34cf60be5dcc1e006d82fff8c3fe"
    "button_log_add_rule": {
        "message": "+ ä Regle neui dazue mache",
        "hash": "28421d68b672702c44a611f9e741e4d2"
    "button_toggle_snooze_true": {
        "message": "Stop Schlaafmodus",
        "hash": "71669281f5e594169489a032087e7b3f"
    "button_toggle_snooze_false": {
        "message": "Start Schlaafmodus",
        "hash": "7a99ea84ba7341049328d104122639a8"
    "toggle_snooze_description": {
        "message": "bim Schlafä werdet dia Süüberigsaktionä verhindered:\n- Suubermache biim verlaa vo nerä Domäne\n- Suubermachä vo Guezzli vo dritt Server\n\nAlli verpasste Süüberigsaktionä werdet nahgholt wän du dä Schlaafmodus tuesch stoppä.\n\nSchwarzi Reglä (\"Sofort\") sind vom Schlaafmodus nöd betroffä.",
        "hash": "dfd24dc7f97580281d58971501628622"
    "invalid_tab": {
        "message": "ungültigä Charteicharte Riiter",
        "hash": "d9b046898a69c55df2f0e4f03f9011d6"
    "rules_column_expression": {
        "message": "Uusdruck",
        "hash": "7fc913b5875670e140f328b8a03ed225"
    "rules_column_matching_expression": {
        "message": "passendi Uusdruck",
        "hash": "dcb63b62695c11401c78d9ea01eee3de"
    "rules_column_type": {
        "message": "Suubermachä",
        "hash": "338c238d02c3001ea6d21739b8678ec5"
    "rules_input@placeholder": {
        "message": "Suechä oder Addierä",
        "hash": "a0766c32473f97b153fd63a92cadd450"
    "expression_hint_invalid": {
        "message": "ungültigä Ussdruck",
        "hash": "5960bcc4b7e809e74c69cd96049e9245"
    "expression_hint_exists": {
        "message": "dä Ussdruck giits scho",
        "hash": "8171dd015c1bd031c6c7af75d5fa7100"
    "rules_add": {
        "message": "Addierä",
        "hash": "c30738ff9271a856100751bbca5e5794"
    "rules_no_entries": {
        "message": "chei Iiträg vorhandä",
        "hash": "5ece1de076b92af71c606feadcc41439"
    "help_button@title": {
        "message": "Liis wia diä Regle funktionieräd, welli Ussdruck du chasch bruuchä, experimentelli Funktionä, und chürzlichi Änderige vo däre erwiiterig.",
        "hash": "90c094de68babfe6bfb332fb03538a24"
    "types_of_cleanup@title": {
        "message": "Liis me über was genau diä Uuswahlfälder suuber mached",
        "hash": "ba2fe14822b0ddacb1f12d26f543783d"
    "setting_purge_expired_cookies": {
        "message": "Useputzä vo abglaufenä Guezzli immer wän ä Süüberigsaktion passiert.",
        "hash": "a0bdd30f4f73d600fbac2f60caeb8653"
    "setting_show_update_notification": {
        "message": "Zeig ä Nachricht wänn die Erwiiterig erneueret wordä isch.",
        "hash": "b09faefa5c53650a8e8d549be96e09a6"
    "setting_show_cookie_removal_notification": {
        "message": "Zeig ä Nachricht wän Guezzli entfernt wordä sind.",
        "hash": "5d31d92f2c4eb88af04bf02b9078d058"
    "setting_show_badge": {
        "message": "Zeig diä passendi Regle als än Blätz uf em Knopf bii dä Werkzüglischtä.",
        "hash": "fcc8735498ed21670a55314e40bd5b23"
    "setting_apply_rules@title": {
        "message": "Regle Awändä",
        "hash": "5204e3f307e63b841ee3c6f2cb8f3c0b"
    "setting_cookies": {
        "message": "Guezzli",
        "hash": "4aef64b30489430071825bcb3db557b6"
    "setting_local_storage": {
        "message": "lokali Speicher",
        "hash": "d57ee1024a950e1341482d9240d0b630"
    "setting_protect_open_domains": {
        "message": "Schützä vo aktuell göffnete Domäne wän (awände vo Reglä) uusgwählt isch.",
        "hash": "c3d70903d8398a33b99e1711f546ca19"
    "setting_history": {
        "message": "Gschicht",
        "hash": "6b8f0d500af7fbca100a1be3dc0817d6"
    "setting_downloads": {
        "message": "Abegladä",
        "hash": "12caefee10c407a13df4027c244d1118"
    "setting_form_data": {
        "message": "Formular Datä",
        "hash": "b5418babb2bbffd7d4e8275b83770564"
    "setting_passwords": {
        "message": "Gheimwörter",
        "hash": "a40f3ee19854cd8645e750f118af3dcd"
    "setting_indexed_db": {
        "message": "Indexiertii DB",
        "hash": "335f3924c55823b7be5b261a240883bf"
    "setting_plugin_data": {
        "message": "Datä vo dä Erwiiterig",
        "hash": "436905ccbdfaaacb1aec25f512584e36"
    "setting_service_workers": {
        "message": "Service Dienschtleischter",
        "hash": "584545acfce5580c7967bc8c366df556"
    "setting_cache": {
        "message": "Zwischäspeicher",
        "hash": "c93aa6136bef8b9b3cf1ac5f037836f8"
    "setting_server_bound_certificates": {
        "message": "Server bundeni Certifikat",
        "hash": "0dfdb1326c1206379e7866da9c9bbf11"
    "setting_delay_domain_leave_cleanup_in_seconds": {
        "message": "Verspötig vo süübere vo Domäne in Sekundä:",
        "hash": "078f159c3a6f33936199104b956d77a7"
    "setting_delay_in_seconds": {
        "message": "Verspötig in Sekundä:",
        "hash": "4f52d0e15398d35039f73e8a04275ae9"
    "setting_remove_thirdparty": {
        "message": "Entfärne vo dritt Partii Guezzli grad bim erstellä:",
        "hash": "2d8b645390f60f6bb1777fbf6004d109"
    "setting_thirdparty_before_creation": {
        "message": "Verhindere vo dritt Partii Guezzli",
        "hash": "29d565d6a25a71892d493a5d6be5fa2c"
    "setting_whitelist_no_tld": {
        "message": "mach nia ä Domäne suuber wo chei Hauptdomäne händ.",
        "hash": "3c19d0b9122a6eab6a95816b6b9c97e5"
    "setting_whitelist_no_tld@title": {
        "message": "Domäne wia localhost, intranet, etc. (ohni .com, .net, etc.)",
        "hash": "9e32826f6a8e674ffa05dca2c9670ddb"
    "setting_whitelist_file_system": {
        "message": "Mach nia ä Süüberigsaktion vo Dateie uf diim Rächner.",
        "hash": "511a3b5151d821503759721ca9d7b1c1"
    "settings_fallback_rule": {
        "message": "Mach suuber wän ä chein Uusdruck passt (Standard: biim Verlaa):",
        "hash": "144b6e44fcfc2accebf07df655af7bea"
    "setting_log_rad_enabled": {
        "message": "träg chürzlich bsuechti Domäne is Logbuech inä.",
        "hash": "3b8f9710163140ee92e5924c8f7bdbca"
    "setting_log_rad_limit": {
        "message": "Limitierä uuf:",
        "hash": "3c037e9a79f552e29a4d50714669c7e3"
    "setting_experimental_info": {
        "message": "Das sind experimentelli Funktionä. Liis da noh me über diä Funktionä. [Liis meh über das](readme.html#experimental).",
        "hash": "9a633b49e2375b929463c1ce49295f58"
    "setting_initialTab": {
        "message": "biim Start uusgwählte Charteicharte Riiter i däm Feischter",
        "hash": "4f7c8a9bcef6c6476565d540dde62998"
    "initial_tab_last_active": {
        "message": "<Erinnerä>",
        "hash": "aa5aecbdb436117318ba27e868fe98c8"
    "initial_tab_this_tab": {
        "message": "aktuelli Charteicharte Riiter",
        "hash": "9e1baccf4de27f703edde7de60b38ee1"
    "initial_tab_rules": {
        "message": "Reglä",
        "hash": "8508c7bcea2082f08abcfea3d4cc0ffb"
    "initial_tab_settings": {
        "message": "Iistelligä",
        "hash": "9c49db0871c842c3afc2c09b8a957eba"
    "initial_tab_log": {
        "message": "Logbuech vo dä Domäne",
        "hash": "4e6a1346f00de8119677a55341959bf0"

    "__WET_GROUP__4": { "message": "Notifications" },
    "update_notification_title": {
        "message": "Forget Me Not isch Erneueret worde.",
        "hash": "ee6d409dd42b2f42f153c1a574ca3595"
    "update_notification_message": {
        "message": "Klick da zum Luegä was neu isch.",
        "hash": "ce7532dba2f7ab26ada7763f3fb4ff58"
    "cookie_cleanup_notification_title": {
        "message": "$COUNT$ Guezzli sind entfärnt wordä",
        "placeholders": {
            "count": { "content": "$1", "example": "4" }
        "hash": "858abd3673bf284d100dba19e3034e71"
    "cookie_cleanup_notification_line": {
        "message": "$DOMAIN$: $COUNT$ Guezzli",
        "placeholders": {
            "domain": { "content": "$1", "example": "" },
            "count": { "content": "$2", "example": "4" }
        "hash": "194b196ae9df5827b482babe5caebd69"

    "__WET_GROUP__5": { "message": "Import Dialog" },
    "import_by_drop_or_click": {
        "message": "Iistellige importirä i dem ä bereits exportierti Datei da innäzoge wird oder mit äm Klick irgendwo zum so ä Datei uuswähle chönnä.",
        "hash": "addde02e14af8336c24777c9b03dc5eb"
    "import_success_close_now": {
        "message": "Iistelligä sind erfolgriich importiert wordä. Du chasch jetz das Feischter schlüüsä",
        "hash": "cd1b4a7131754d680d4a662e29b2516b"
    "import_failure": {
        "message": "Import vo Iistelligä isch nöd möglich gsii. Prüf e mal ob die Datei ä gültigi Iisteligsdatei isch.",
        "hash": "19912d075bc8dfb9b1dae244e6d3e0d4"

    "__WET_GROUP__6": { "message": "Info Pages" },

    "__WET_LOCALE__": { "message": "gsw" }
Lusito commented 5 years ago

Thanks. Will add it shortly

BenjaminRosenzweig commented 5 years ago

This language or rather dialect is spoken in the greater Zurich area with variations for the other german speaking parts. If this translate file is is usable for FMN i will translate the help section as well... how is the language in FMN selected?

Lusito commented 5 years ago

Language is selected by your browser language. I.e. if your browser is set to use english, then FMN will use english. If it is set to a language, that FMN does not yet have, then english is used.

You can preview your changes in the Web-Extension-Translator. There should be a button for applying the changes in the toolbar of the editor. These changes will be stored until the browser restarts.

Lusito commented 5 years ago

I've just pushed your version to the develop branch, so if you want to continue and test your translation, just open