Lusito / forget-me-not

Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
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Confusing table #182

Open woctezuma opened 5 years ago

woctezuma commented 5 years ago

I find the table confusing, especially the part highlighted in yellow:

confusing table

What adds to the confusion is that the ticks are still visible if the "cleaning rule" is disabled.

visible ticks

Similarly, I find the symbols confusing:

confusing symbols

woctezuma commented 5 years ago

After thinking a bit about it, I assume that the granularity allows the user to toggle the cleaning, and toggle the rules independently, so that, for instance, one is able to:

However, I don't understand the line about "downloads", because I do not think it is possible to set up rules for downloads. download rules

Moreover, with "application of rules" deactivated for downloads, it seems that my download history is intact. So, it seems that I was mistaken: without applying rules, the default behaviour seems to be to keep all of the data, rather than to delete all of the data.

Lusito commented 5 years ago

I think you figured it out mostly on your own:

From your last paragraph, I'm assuming you noticed a bug during download cleanup. There are actually two places where downloads appear: The regular history window and the list of downloads (toolbar download icon).

Could you write down a list of steps that you did and also write down if the downloads have (not) been cleared in regular history window and list of downloads?


woctezuma commented 5 years ago

The "Enable" is a global enable.. i.e. before you can cleanup cookies on startup, you need to enable cleanup on startup. I can see this being confusing if the disabled checkboxes are still ticked..

Right. It would be clearer if the boxes were all unticked instead (or on top) of having this overlay.

visible ticks

Could you write down a list of steps that you did and also write down if the downloads have (not) been cleared in regular history window and list of downloads?

After a few tests (toggling "apply rules" ON and OFF for cleaning-up download history on browser restart), it seems that the download history is correctly flushed, with the caveat that the download history for sessions prior to the installation of the add-on remains untouched.

For instance, I have downloaded the Steam installer twice (with toggle ON and with toggle OFF), and it does not appear in the download history. However, the Epic Games installer, which was downloaded before is still there. I think it is the best behavior, so it is a feature, not a bug. :)

Epic Games

Lusito commented 5 years ago

Technically it is a bug, but one I can't solve at this time, as for some reason, firefox clears the downloads list upon shutdown, yet keeps the download history, without me being able to detect if the history entry is a download or not. That's why the add-on remembers which downloads have been made in order to clean them.

Thanks for testing this.

woctezuma commented 5 years ago

Cleaning "Downloads" is named a bit confusing and should probably be renamed to "Download History". All rules can be applied to anything that has a URL. A download history item has a URL, so those items can be affected by the rules.

I forgot to reply to this part.

It would be clearer to mention the "download history" rather than "downloads", especially because there is a setting (highlighted below) about local files, which I also find confusing.

local files

MrQwerky commented 4 years ago

When the Enable box is unchecked, the remaining rule boxes remain checked: This is good! In my opinion, it is very good to be able to see what the settings are which will take effect once the Enable box becomes checked. Please do not change to hide the checked boxes when Enable is unchecked. I hate Microsoft's (and Mozilla's) attempts to hide everything under the sun, which makes the user work harder just to see what the settings are. JMO.