Lusito / forget-me-not

Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
zlib License
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Improve experience for newcomers. #192

Open Lusito opened 4 years ago

Lusito commented 4 years ago

It is still a bit confusing for newcomers to work with the extension. It might be a good idea to have a guided-tour or something similar to tell them what they need to do in order to set up the extension.

Maybe this could be done in an ikea fashion (images, that explain things without using words), though I may lack the skills for that.

Another idea might be to change the default settings to enable all cleanup, but to wait for the user to give its GO until everything starts working.

vavavr00m commented 4 years ago

Could you also add explanations as to what are being cleaned up? For example, I have no idea what the differences between zombie cookies, flash cookies, evercookies, supercookies, flash cookies, local shared objects, etags are and what option cleans which. I only like the chewy soft batch cookies ;-) In case of indexedDB, cache, etc. a path to the folder containing the said items will be helpful. Anything (local path, explanation) to educate the users and let them verify what Forget Me Not claims to clean up is being cleaned up would be nice.

Additionally, Privacy Manager seems to have more options to cleanup on browser restart than FMN but this extension is for Chrome (not sure if it's applicable to Firefox). Can you take a look if Firefox allows deletion or has these?

App Cache Filesystems Server-bound certificates WebSQL

Privacy Manager

atomGit commented 4 years ago

"Delay for domain leave cleanup in seconds"


"Domain cleanup delay in seconds"

and give it an expanded explanation via tool-tip... "The time in seconds to wait before cleaning the storage for a domain after all its tabs are closed. In some cases retaining storage for a domain after its tab(s) are closed can be useful, such as for cross-domain logins."

"Never run cleanup on files from your computer"


"Don't clean storage items created by local files, such as saved web pages."

"Cleanup if no expression matches (default: On Leave):"

is this needed? probably something here i'm not envisioning, but this seems redundant/confusing since default rules are created on the Settings -> Cleanup page

gh-ix commented 4 years ago

Hello and thanks for all your hard work! This is a technically very good addon - I've been using "Cookies Exterminator" for FF<=52, switched to Waterfox (current) recently... For my own needs, everything can stay as it is; despite having had a quiet frustrating 1st experience (which is default for web extension addons these days).

But for distributing the addon with enterprise-browser-packages (that's what I'm doing) for avarage users (which often don't know what cookies and local storage is all about), I'd strongly suggest various usability/cosmetics modifications, to make your great addon help these users understanding what to do resp. is going on:

Thanks, -harry

B00ze64 commented 4 years ago

Good day,

Personally, I think the current UI is Fantastic I have had no issues understanding it yesterday the first time I tried it. Like @atomGit says above, the English could be improved, but that is about it, the way you managed the CleanUp TAB (the gear) with the little Shield that says if we ignore rules or if we respect them (meaning we do not clean whitelisted domains) it is very cute and quite easy to understand. I'm also not sure a Cookie-Count as a badge is better than the current RULE badge, I find the rule badge quite helpful since the icon does not change color like Self-Destructing Cookies used to do.

What I'd like is a BIG section added to the built-in Help page to explain what will happen once Containers are supported. I was under the impression that storage for containers was deleted by Firefox when the container was removed, otherwise using something like Temporary Containers would "leak" storage (cookies and IndexedDB etc would remain behind for a Temporary Container that would never again be opened). So some sort of explanation of what happens with containers would be good to have in V3.

Other than that, UI-Wise I think you are managing quite well, gorgeous icon too, love the flower!


AnaemicStar commented 4 years ago


Could you explain how you decided on the name Forget Me Not?

The Introduction Tutorial could explain more about the settings. Is it alright to have for example: cookies checked on both Clean up on browser restart and Clean up on domain leave

Thanks from Paul

B00ze64 commented 4 years ago

Good day.

Now that I've played with containers, I do see an issue - Forget Me Not does not seem to be able to delete cookies in permanent containers if those containers are closed. I guess I understand now what it means to support containers, or maybe I have it wrong? I did see lots of cookies I'd opened inside a container just sit there and never get deleted. Anyway, an explanation of what works with containers and what does not will be welcomed on the built-in help page.

Best Regards,

MrQwerky commented 3 years ago

Like @B00ze64, I like the RULE badge. For me, a count badge would not be helpful, as I don't care the number of cookies in a tab, but rather how they will be treated; therefore the rule badge is great.

But I do admit to some confusion as to some of the features and how to use them. Additional help information would be welcome.

And thank you for a terrific extension!