Lusito / forget-me-not

Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
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Feature request: Delayed and Aggressive "On Leave" settings #270

Open PilotWombat opened 3 years ago

PilotWombat commented 3 years ago

Right now, there is only one "On Leave" setting. When you leave a page, the cookies are deleted after the delay set under the Settings->Cleanup tab. I know that there are sites that don't work unless cookies are allowed (so you can't choose "Instantly"), but that I don't want following me around the internet, like facebook. There are other cookies that I don't mind if they stick around in case I forgot something and need to reopen the domain in the next few minutes, but I don't exactly want them just hanging out either or alternatively, they might automatically sign me out in 15 minutes anyways so there's no reason to keep them, like bank logins. Because of this, I have a lot of domains set to "On Leave" which requires me to go through the sign in process again each time I go back to the site even if it's just a couple minutes later or others that I have to set to "On Browser Restart" that I would rather go away after a period of non-use.

So, feature request: Delayed and Aggressive "On Leave" cleanup settings (or whatever names you want to give them). You could set one to cleanup cookies in, say, 15 minutes, and the other to immediately cleanup when leaving the domain.