Lusito / forget-me-not

Make the browser forget website data, except for the data you want to keep.
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[Feature Request] Button to easily save cookies for logins on specific sites #289

Open ChainSwordCS opened 2 years ago

ChainSwordCS commented 2 years ago

I'm mainly thinking of common, popular sites like Google, Gmail, and YouTube. I personally don't know enough to allow specifically only the cookies that save my logged-in status.

I just allowed all cookies from both and, I do not know if that's correct.

It would be nice to have a button to add specific cookies like this to the list of rules with a single button. If not that, then provide a guide for configuring this use-case to an end-user. I apologize if that hypothetical guide is something that already exists; I didn't see any but I didn't look very far.

Edit: Sorry, upon further inspection those cookies don't include my login token, so I am indeed not doing it right.

jasperweiss commented 2 years ago

You can add rules for specific cookies within the cookie inspector:


There you can add cookie specific rules:


You'll likely want to keep any cookie that has "session" or "token" in its name but you'd have to test each website as every website can do things differently. Personally I'd just keep all cookies if staying logged in is the goal. It makes more sense for things like keeping a specific setting. Keeping dark mode enabled for example:


ChainSwordCS commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the detailed visual breakdown! It seems like it will still require some trial-and-error, and I haven't gotten it to fully work just yet. I still think an easy button would be a nice feature.

You could indeed just Never clean all cookies for a specific site. But personally I don't trust sites like Twitter, and I don't want any possible personalized advertising or anything like that.