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Cbuenlucas/specialties #264

Closed cpualei closed 2 weeks ago

cpualei commented 1 month ago

Pull Request Process

Copy and Paste / Write ticket description

made changes to button text for hand and microsurgery specialty card

Hand Trauma department requested for 'Patient' and 'Physician' buttons to read 'Trauma' and 'Congenital/Microsurgery' instead.

Describe the changes you've made to resolve the issue

Added a ternary which checks if the slug reads 'hand-trauma'. If so, change the button text to read 'Trauma'.

Added a ternary which checks if the slug reads 'hand-trauma'. If so, change the button text to read 'Trauma'. Made changes to the 'app/specialties/SpecialtyComponents/SpecialtyCard.tsx' file

Add screenshots of the UI before and after your changes have been made



Code Review Checklist

jtorreggiani commented 1 month ago

Welcome @cpualei! We are excited to have you contributing to the project! A couple of things to consider before we can get this fix merged in.

Once get staging updated, we can push your code to staging to test things out. We can merge this in to resolve the immediate request.

We could prioritize moving this into a Contentful field. Since making updates in Contentful requires admin access you will need to work with our team to implement those additional changes. You can email me at to schedule a time to connect.

YolineB commented 2 weeks ago

Closing as this has become stale