LussacZheng / video-downloader-deploy

Video Downloaders (you-get, youtube-dl, lux) One-Click Deployment Batch. || 视频下载器 (you-get, youtube-dl, lux) 一键配置脚本。
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The website of Zeranoe FFmpeg Builds is going to close #14

Closed LussacZheng closed 2 years ago

LussacZheng commented 4 years ago

The website of Zeranoe FFmpeg Builds is going to close

Keywords: ffmpeg builds, windows, zeranoe


部署 FFmpeg 时所下载的 编译好的可执行文件 (ffmpeg.exe) 来自于 Zeranoe FFmpeg Build。而 Zeranoe 官方发布消息称 将于 2020-09-18 关闭,不再提供任何 FFmpeg Builds 的下载服务。详见:

Builds - Zeranoe FFmpeg zeranoe-ffmpeg_1
Zeranoe on Twitter zeranoe-ffmpeg_2



leonlin21 commented 3 years ago

您好,是否因为这个原因,所以我在点击 Deploy 我的时候才显示“拒绝访问”

LussacZheng commented 3 years ago

您好,是否因为这个原因,所以我在点击 Deploy 我的时候才显示“拒绝访问”

并不是,现在脚本应当可以正常使用。只不过对于 FFmpeg ,默认下载的是 4.3.1 版本,不是当前的最新版 4.3.2 。

对于你所遇到的问题,建议在新的 DiscussionIssue 中进行讨论。最好能更加详细地描述一下是在哪一步遇到了“拒绝访问”。

LussacZheng commented 2 years ago


Hello! Please see BtbN/FFmpeg-Builds and GyanD/codexffmpeg.

I put the comment here because the conversation of #14 "has been locked and limited to collaborators".

I updated the script to downlaod FFmpeg builds from . Please let me know your feedback on this update. (c551420cc08ed001b0b410366541e3bcf6326bd6)

By the way, if you have edited res\wget.opt, append the option --content-disposition into that file, or regenerate it via Deploy.bat -> [6] Advanced Settings -> [6] Set options for 'wget' -> Y.

LussacZheng commented 2 years ago

Close as resloved.