LussacZheng / video-downloader-deploy

Video Downloaders (you-get, youtube-dl, lux) One-Click Deployment Batch. || 视频下载器 (you-get, youtube-dl, lux) 一键配置脚本。
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urlopen error [WinError 10054 #18

Closed cdlaimin closed 3 years ago

cdlaimin commented 3 years ago

ERROR: Unable to download webpage: <urlopen error [WinError 10054] 远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。> (caused by URLError(ConnectionResetError(10054, '远程主机强迫关闭了一个现有的连接。', None, 10054, None))) 这种是youtube暂时拒绝了 还是我的本地问题

LussacZheng commented 3 years ago


cdlaimin commented 3 years ago

1.运行 Deploy.bat 2.使用youtube-dl 下载youtube播放列表(401个视频) 第一次出现这个,只下载了20来个视频 第二次下载了100多个 我搜了下 有些说是本地的,有些说是服务器拒绝的

LussacZheng commented 3 years ago

应该是下载太频繁引起服务器怀疑了,可以间隔一段时间再继续下载 --sleep-interval ,或限制一下下载速度 -r ,或指定重试次数 -R infinite

-r, --limit-rate RATE            Maximum download rate in bytes per second
                                 (e.g. 50K or 4.2M)
-R, --retries RETRIES            Number of retries (default is 10), or

--sleep-interval SECONDS         Number of seconds to sleep before each
                                 download when used alone or a lower bound
                                 of a range for randomized sleep before each
                                 download (minimum possible number of
                                 seconds to sleep) when used along with
--max-sleep-interval SECONDS     Upper bound of a range for randomized sleep
                                 before each download (maximum possible
                                 number of seconds to sleep). Must only be
                                 used along with --min-sleep-interval.