LuteOrg / lute-v3

LUTE = Learning Using Texts: learn languages through reading.
MIT License
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Allow language parser plugins to provide the language definition.yml and sample stories #511

Open jzohrab opened 3 weeks ago

jzohrab commented 3 weeks ago

Currently Lute stories all language defs in a separate language_defs repo in LuteOrg in GitHub. This works well in most cases.

With plugins, though, it's a bit of a hassle. When a new plugin is installed, for that plugin's language to show up under the "add new language" listing in Lute, it needs to be added to the lang_defs repo, so two different repo updates have to happen at the same time for the best user experience. It would be preferable for the plugins to supply their own definition.yml and sample stories, and for those to (potentially) be added automatically to the user's Lute database -- after all, they've installed the plugin.

Note: this might not have high ROI. There are likely only a few language parser plugins needed for special cases! This may be tricky to handle well, and therefore not worth doing.

Some issues to consider: