Lutrasoft / Fancyform

jQuery plugin for transforming HTML form elements
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invalid tristate checked prop/attr #3

Open mikrowelt opened 10 years ago

mikrowelt commented 10 years ago

Case 1:

  1. We have a a tristate tree with all checked false.
  2. We click the first parent checkbox and its checked by prop
  3. We click 1 child to make the parent indeterminate state and check prop of checkbox its still checked.

Case 2:

  1. We have a a tristate tree with all checked false.
  2. We click any child element to be checked so the parent becomes indeterminate
  3. parent checked state = false

So this to cases work different and its a bug...

case 2 is what it should be but case 1 is not valid... ineterminate cant be checked... becouse if submit form its not correct

And please add a function to activate indeterminate checkbox without adding a class...

tsukasa1989 commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the report. I am currently on vacantion and will look into it on saturday.